
Why does Brighton tap water smell so bad?

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I live in Brighton and try to drink the tap water as often as possible. Sometimes it smells so disgusting it makes me gag. It is worst during the summer.




  1. Ask Southern Water - they're the ones who supply it down there !

  2. There's a lot of people in Brighton who swallow it without  complaining I'm afraid, so standards are not likely to improve.

  3. get a filter jug

  4. I live close to the west pier and for years I noticed the water had a smell to it and was also quite cloudy.

    It turns out this was due to the water pipes in my area being ancient! They replaced quite a few pipes in the area recently and the water is now much better.

    Maybe you have old pipes :P ....hopefully they will replace them with nice clean new ones soon.

  5. I lived in Brighton for a bit and I know what you mean.

    Southern Water might be the best people to ask - - but I reckon they'd fob you off.

    I suspect it's something to do with it being hard water.

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