
Why does Britain hate so much the EU?

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I am Italian and I was wandering why British people hate so much the European Union? because this is what we perceive of the relationship between UK and EU in Italy.

But I don't understand what are the reason for such a skeptic attitude..

Is this because you consider the EU institutions inefficient?

or because you really don't agree with the European integration process and you don't feel Europeans??

I ask this question because in Italy there is a very positive attitude towards the EU and I consider its politics or legislation positive for the freedom of movement and for stronger economic development.

Thank you for your answers!




  1. Hi, I am German, and I live in Scotland, and I was asking myself the same question often.

    It sounds a bit funny for me that when friends of mine in London use the word 'Europe', they think only of continental Europe.

    I do not think EU steals the identity of each country, all they are doing is give all of us the same rights and make the EU as a whole stronger.

    Also, all countries decide together in the Parlament in Brussels, so it is not true that the british do not have influence over the EU.

    I think it is so cool that every european can live and work in any country in europe.

  2. We have no control over the decisions made at Brussels by unelected  bureaucrats.

    What they do and the decisions they reach effect each of us at a very personal level, why should they have that power when we have no way of selecting and dismissing them? It is not anything to do with democracy at all, just a dictatorship by committee.

  3. It could be that we are pretty insular!

  4. Hi there,

    I'm from the Netherlands. I can't speak for the British, but it seems that in this corner of Europe sentiments are a bit anti. IMHO, this is because the EU has been used as a scapegoat for a lot of things. "We had to do it because the EU said so", while most if not all decissions in the EU need consesus by everyone. So when we Dutch voted no against the EU "constitution" several years ago, it was more a vote against the introduction of the euro then a vote against the constitution. Most, including myself, had no information about what we were actually voting about. Yes, we could look it up, but you had to dig it up yourself. That is not the way to do things when you're expected to vote.

    I myself consider myself Dutch, only when I'm talking with people from Asia, the Americas or Africa,and only then, I get a EU feeling. I guess it's much the same for alot of other people. This is probably because of the founding nature of the original EU countries? Look at eastern europe, from what I can tell, the EU has lots and lots to offer them and the EU feeling will be much greater there then here.

  5. I am British /English,i live in Spain because i love the food,the people, and the culture,only news papers and media facilities promote ill feeling,its news.The UK will go into Europe when the pound devallues enough,the working man has no control over it,even though it is to our benefit,the big money will keep us out with negative propaganda until it suits them.

  6. Great question by the way.

    I believe the reason for this negative attitude towards the EU by the UK was evolved from the idea of immigration. The UK is constantly accepting people from Poland and people in the west region of Europe, and others. And as these immigrants are apart of the EU, the UK can't really turn these people down. This has created a negative attitude towards the EU.

    Also as the UK is a very successful institution compared with many other countries, they feel much superior to other countries and have created much arrogance from this. I find this very sad. Especially when other countries are in constant threat from war and disease, which also makes it hard for them to develop to compete with the standards of the UK.

    It's completely ridiculous and very sad. But remember not all people in the UK feel this way about other countries in the EU, it's only the arrogant ones. And you get arrogant people in every country, not just the UK.

    Also, Italy is a very successful country as well, with a very strong economic development, so the UK may also find Italy competition.

    Oh and one more piece of information; the UK only became more economically developed through the institution of slavery in the earlier days. That's one of the ways they became more successful and rich. Is that something to be proud of?

    Italy is both a beautiful and succesful  country! Be proud and forget what other people think!

    By the way i'm half Spanish and half Portuguese, and i'm living in the UK.

  7. I'm British and also consider myself European, I don't hate the EU.

  8. why did the EU commit the disastrous foolishness of accepting GB as a member,that's the question.

  9. Because of the expensive, unelected and corrupt bureaucracy that runs it. I don't think we are as insular as many Europeans consider us to be but we have a deep seated mistrust of politicians - particularly  the French and German ones - (and Silviano Berlusconi gets a special mention of his own!)

  10. I don't think that the British hate the EU, it's just that our government don't make any effort whatsoever to educate the public about the EU institutions or their role. The majority of the UK know nothing about the EU institutions. Also, there has been alot of corruption and fraud within those institutions which don't instill alot of faith in the people. When we entered the EU on 1973 we were told that it was for our own good, to help the economy. What we weren't told was that we would lose a great deal of our parliamentary sovereignty, this was played down. We were misled. The British are a very proud nation, proud of our history, proud of our Parliament, proud of our independence. We are scared of losing our identity. I know for certain that I don't feel European and I hope that we don't integrate further, but I feel that we do need a union to prevent future wars.

  11. Not everybody in the UK hates the EU.

    The majority of people in England seem to be against it, but most people in Scotland  are for it. In fact many in Scotland would rather be in the EU than the UK.

  12. Because the EU tries telling us how to live. How would you feel if Spain dictated the rules of how all Italians live? Every man for themselves, disband the EU now!

  13. how long have you got. and can you guarantee i wont get a violation notice

  14. Because they have become a dumping ground for the EU poor and uneducated. They are being flooded with them. No country can survive with the rampant influx of unskilled people dependent on social services.

  15. Perhaps it's because the British identity is under threat. It seems that the EU intends for all European countries to unite under one state with Brussels as its capital

    However, I'm English and fully encourage stronger ties with our European neighbours so I'm pro-EU

  16. OK, im doing coursework on the EU, and have to say, there are very strong arguments on both sides. Youve got price transparancy on the 'for' side ('for joining the EU') and it would make transactions with Europe much easier, however, I really dont want to join becuase of the interest rate setting system. A one-size-fits-all interest rate simply wouldnt work.

    In the EU, so ive read, most people rent, correct me if i wrong, however, most people in the UK have a loan for their house, so the UK uses the Monetary policy and interest rates a lot more than the EU. Looking at the trouble we're having with interest rates at the moment, it wouldnt help us if we gave the job of setting interest rates to someone else.

    However, it would be good to see a public referendum to see the publics opinion before we make the decision.

  17. Because we have nothing in common with you.

    We drive on the left  you drive on the right.

    We have pints you have litres.

    We have inch's you have centimetres.

    The E.U. is the most corrupt organisation on earth.

    In the last 2 hundred years we have been at war with every single one of you, [Portugal excepted]

    We are British and want to remain so etc.etc.

  18. I am pro EU but I can understand where Englanda is coming from.

  19. It's good for me at the moment. I'm an Electrical/Avionics Engineer and it means that I can work all over Europe. In the last 12 months, I've lived and worked in Hamburg (Germany), Milan (Italy) and Toulouse (France). Next week I'm hoping to start work in Seville (Spain).

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