
Why does Britain still have...?

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Charity shops for the relief of Roumania?

I thought the country was a member of the EU and was a fairly prosperous country that is not deemed to need charitable aid from the UK fundraisers?




  1. Have you ever seen the inside of a Romanian orphanage?? My friend is part of a charity that takes a lorry load out once every couple of months and these kids have nothing - lliterally nothing.

  2. In many countries the priorities are different from ours.  Especially those countries that belonged to totalitarian systems.

    Even in the UK there are differences in the level of health care we can get from one region to another.  

    I reckon those kids and the kids from Chernobyl deserve any help folks are willing to give.

  3. That's just to keep elderly volunteers busy, in an effort to thin out post office queues.

  4. For the same reason we still have charity shops for Barnados etc etc. Just because a country is meant to be prosperous, it doesn't mean that there are people much more worse off than ourselves that some people would like to do something to try and help.

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