
Why does Britan allow an independent Kosovo, but never gave independence to Scotland?

by Guest64100  |  earlier

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Dosn't Scotland deserve independence more then Kosovo? If a Scot belongs in Scotland, than dosn't an Albanian belong in Albania.




  1. Kosovo got it's independence,cuz there were countries that  thought that it deserved it after all the suffering that it has passed so they approved it...

    And u have absolutely no right to say that some1 deserves freedom more then another when u've never actually been part of the suffering or of the mourning.

    At the end it comes down to politics and interests so if u really wanna know the answer go ask the presidents and queens and kings that voted pro Kosovo's independence...

  2. I think it has to do with the fact that just before Kosovo, Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia; Macedonia; and Montenegro got independent from Yugoslavia (a federation controlled by Belgrade,Serbia).

    Why don't you ask this?

    Why aren't Vojvodina, Sandzak, Presevo Valley also becoming independent?

    Look, the Kosovo gvmt. is not saying Serbs belong in Serbia. They want Kosovo Serbs to stay, and the ones that have left are invited to go back. Even the ones that committed crimes against humanity are invited to be tried in Kosovo, serve the penalty and then live in Kosovo for the rest of their lives. Unlike Serbia's discriminatory constitution, Kosovo Constitution guaranties protection of Serbs, rights, culture, heritage and everything else.

    Kosovo gvmt. does not care if Serbs were born in Kosovo or part of colonization program during Rankovic or during Milosevic. They invite all that once lived in Kosovo.

  3. North Sea Oil

  4. I guess you didn't blow up enough stuff.

  5. this world, some countries have special privileges and get to do certain things and have certain weapons and maintain colonies, etc...while simply some other countries just do not have the right to have these things.  Its the "we have special rights" rule of international policy.  For example, the USA gets to have nuclear weapons and gets to use them and threaten to use them but also gets to say that nuclear weapons are dangerous and that some other countries cannot have them.   Some countries get to say that subsegments of other countries should have independence while keeping colonies such as the case of the USA and puerto Rico and Guam etc...   The example you gave about Britain and Scotland is also another valid one.

  6. you seem bitter but saying that one country deserves more than another country its independence its just wrong...the independence of Scotland is complicated its not just about England denying it ..its that SNP has not convince people in Scotland that independence would be to their economic would be a economic disaster for Scotland if they receive independence

  7. I don't think you can even begin to comapare the situation with Scotland & England with that of Kosovo & Serbia on the one side/Albania on the other.

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