
Why does Brown, and every Local Council, crawl to these whingeing Muslims? Islam is only a religion.Not a Race

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Brown and his ilk have long preached that "Religion is the Opium of the People"

SO! Why do we suddenly have to do whatever these Muzzies want.

Muslims were Imperialists for 300 years before the British! So, why does nobody criticise THEM

Why are a bunch of village lads criticised for putting on "Fancy Dress"?

When q****s can prance about dressed as NUNS with stockings and suspenders!

Islam preaches "The Fire and the Sword" to build its Empire!

It preaches against "Homosexuals"

Why doesn't the Government DO SOMETHING?

Why don't the g**s go into the Mosques and interrupt these "Homophobic Bigots"

As they do in Christian Churches?

Is Brown "hanging back" till he passes a law which says "You can Slag Off every Religion except Islam" That'll get the Imams to tell their brain-washed Zombies where to put their X on the ballot paper.




  1. okay fair enough, im muslim and yeah your right

    islam is fairly sexist, but yknow most religions are old, and equal rights for men and woman only happened hundreds of years ago, whereas religion is like....thousands.

    but yeah its unfair, people from other countries come to England for a "better way of life" and are mostly asylum seekers, so why do they run the country and why are the government so obsessed about keeping them happy, rather than the true people of the uk?? i mean personally, if i dont like this country (which i do) i wont complain, i'll just leave, that'll make everybody happy right??

    oh btw, not every muslims whinge and we're not all terrorists, .....just brain washed @ssholes

    hah lol "muzzies" =]

    okay...dude WTF!! uve really lost me with the whole "modest" thing, what do u mean?

    btw, whats the point of this question? uve answered ur own question

    and yeah say w/e u like bout religion, free speech and ur opinion

  2. Very true.....

    I don't know why they come here and winge....they need to stay in the country they come from where the way of life they require is allready in place.

    If we go to their countries we have to abide by their rules so why should Britain be different with  them coming here.

    Every country has rules... if we don't like them-- DON'T GO!!!

  3. 'Muzzies'?? - Thats a new one!

  4. They need their votes.

  5. The government is a complete sham. I'm so fed up of having to be politically correct all the time, its about time this country started being allowed to have a say and all these do-gooders to keep their bloody mouths shut.

  6. Someone's been drinking.

  7. It all come down to money , contracts from rich Muslims nation, Mark my word they will soon dominate everything in this beautiful island of ours if we are not careful

  8. you have a lot of hatred in you, don't you...

  9. Pillock!

  10. quick, somebody phone the daily mail-littlejohn's next column has been leaked!

  11. because they started causing trouble, so naturally this government formed a council to speak for them , and now listens to their views. but doesnt listen to the majority , thats why this country is in such bad shape , not having a go at the muslims , just the way every single person who is "an outsider" has a group of people speaking for them, yet it doesnt allow the majority a voice

  12. d**n, I thought I logged onto Yahoo Answers, but it looks like I made a mistake! This is the Daily ExpressMail blog isn't it?

  13. Just watched something about that on PBS last night. Channel surfing and caught it. Got my attention.

    They get away with it by calling it a culture as in the Culture of Islam.  

    And you are right it does seem the courts are dedicated to destroying every other religion but Islam.

    Could it be the oil money?

    Maybe we should wake up to the fact; allowing them to live here is like taking and dumping 30 or 40 King Cobras in your house and trying to live them running free in your house; while expecting not to get bitten by them.

  14. If you were to take the time to find out the facts, you would probably withdraw your question in shame.

    I have heard the saying, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing, and you prove the theory.

  15. WTF?  Where did you hear that muslim wasn't a religion?

  16. Islam is not a religion, it's a political culture, and as such you can say what you wish about it.

    Their manifesto is centuries out of date, but as they don't believe in democracy, that doesn't matter.

    Why does Brown kowtow to them?

    Because they have enough votes to bring the  Labour party to its knees.

  17. Government bodies, especially local ones, operate from the general principal of trying to not make anybody mad at them.  Local councils have specific and explicit duties under law, and some broad latitude regarding such things as "public nuisance" and "disturbing the peace", but try to not upset any large local group that is likely to respond by angry public demonstration.

    The fact is, out of 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, not more than 100,000 or so are in agreement with Bin Laden.  There are a million and half Palestinian Arabs with a grievance against the State of Israel, and about 40% of proven world oil reserves lie in majority Muslim countries with monarchy, oligarchy, or tyranny as the form of government.  If all those countries had the freedoms found in the UK, most of the unrest displayed by Muslims in the UK would be displayed in those countries instead.

    The Koran is a complex book of poetical, allegorical prophecy in the form of sermons given by the Prophet to the public.  It is organized traditionally in size place, longest sermons first, rather than in the historical order in which they were originally spoken.  The extant text, the Othman Koran, was "perfected" by a committee of scholars gathered by the Sultan for whom the Ottoman empire was named.  When they finished, all divergent copies were destroyed, so there is no alternative material surviving.  While the book is easy to memorize and recite, it is very difficult to interpret.  The "standard" interpretation is Sunni, the s**+'ites representing a divergent "radical" sect.  Altogether, there are as many as 72 "sects" of Islam, each with a slightly different interpretation from all the others, none of them more authoritative than any of the others.  The is no equivalent in Islam to a Pope, or even, really, an Archbishop of Canterbury.

    In other words, your local councils are tolerant of Islam because most of it is ordinary law abiding citizens just trying to make a living and not cause anyone any trouble.   You can think of the others, even with all their (dubious) claim to Koranic authority for jihad mayhem, as the Muslim equivalent of a bunch of football hooligans.  The IRA were a much worse threat.  You need not take that mad sheik you see on the telly too seriously - he speaks essentially for nobody but himself a couple of dozen of his followers.

    The UK has the misfortune of turning its empire into a commonwealth, with free travel between nations, when one of those nations, Pakistan, is one of the originating places for some of this Muslim lunatic fringe.  Check them out - most Pakis are good old middle class types, like regular Englishmen but with a slight accent.  Some of them, however, are nut cases, spouting a version of Islam that is neither true not authentic but sure sounds frightful.

    Muslim services consist of a bunch of formulaic prayers ("God is great, God is good, there is no God but God"), with bowing and kneeling in unison.  The sheik (minister) may give a sermon.  After services, people with time on their hands stay behind.  That is when the radicals try to recruit suckers to do their dirty work for them.  If the sermons are radical enough,  recruiting is easy.  However, catching the bad guys is also easy - just have a couple of under-covers stick around and join in the recruitment, then blow the whistle when the plot gets too close to happening.

    All in all, don't get too excited or too worried.  The MI/SB boys have it all under control.

  18. No moral courage - short answer but the truth I think.

  19. Not even both.

    Just ghostly kitchen's ghost stories and ghostly modern history of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom of different community in making a mess out there.

    Ever wonder who were climbing up the coconut trees and still look green living in misery out there.?

    Ever wonder where is the human intelligent of the ghostly stories on the glory of the past?

    Luke 10.24

  20. That is quite a rant.

    No need to ask whether you're g*y either.

    Moslems DO get criticised along with other religions if they are out of order.

    The problem is that some of the most fundamental Moslems  criticise others but they can't take criticism themselves.

    They think they're the only ones who are right.

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