
Why does Burger King and KFC hurt my stomach?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason, whenever i eat from those two restaurants I get a really bad stomach ache, but from other fast food like wendys, taco bell, and other chains, i completely fine. what do think is causing this?




  1. yeah it must be way too greasy.

    i would just stop eating there for a while

  2. I have to agree - it probably has something to do with the BRAND of grease/fat used to cook the food in .

    STOP eating there!  (It's not good for you anyways.)

  3. Because it's way too greasy.

  4. bad food

  5. Your body is trying to tell you something.  Listen to it and stop eating that garbage!

  6. could be IBS

  7. It has to do with the grease and the additives used in the food cooking process.Places use different grease, different additives.  I have the same issue with Burger King, I get stomach pains and also must visit rest room very quickly. Therefore I no longer eat at Burger King unless I have no other option.  Then I limit what I eat.  I have also found that taking over the counter digestive productys such as Prilosec helps somewhat, or keep handy Pepto-Bismol tablets and take as soon as I finish eating.  This is similar to irritable bowel syndrome which your doctor can prescribe medication and also instruct you on what to specifically avoid.

  8. Its probably something about the grease that they use your body doesnt like.

  9. I also had that issue. Did you happen to have root beer with your meals?  Both restaurants mentioned serve root beer that contains "quillaia", which is soapbark, a stomach and bowel irritant. Quillaia is banned in Europe as a food additive.

    PS: Barq's is the only one I have found that doesn't contain it.

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