
Why does Bush Administration continually dismiss the Iraqi livelihood?

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U.S. Foreign Policy has gave a d**n about the Iraqi citizens, but until now with War on Terror, they must have democracy in Iraq in a country where the former leader was leader for 25 years, but never acknowledge and dismiss the massive lose of life in the occupation of Iraq. It must be collateral damage.




  1. Over 95% of all casualties in Iraq were caused by terrorists and / or insurgents.

    See, the difference between us and them is this.

    The American military targets those that want to kill Iraqi's and American soldiers.

    Our enemy, targets Iraqi citizens in order to influence political policy.

    It is the very definition of terrorism.

  2. Nobody in the USA cares about dead Iraqis. It's never spoken of on the 'liberal media'.

  3. Poor worded, true.  But your intention is good.  

    I don't know.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  There is this huge base of people that could care less if people are dying unless it's in their own back yard. And yes - terrorists should be dealt with.  Not innocent families.  I wish people could and would travel overseas and see that most people are just trying to get along with their families.  A village in Afghanistan was just bombed (by us) where 90-some people were killed.  It was barely news.

  4. Sacrificing over 4000 American soldier's lives and spending $ 10 billion a month just goes to show you how brave our president is.

  5. how about addressing the Trillions of dollars Democrat mandated social programs has wasted.  You talk about lost lives, without true regard to ones that have been lost(wasted) here at home.  Peoples hopes and dreams never realized due to easy handouts, giving no incentive to better ones own life......oh ya, according to you that's the governments the way we went to Iraq before 911  ...but as usual you make the case for the terminally misinformed.                   $1000.00 a year (minimum- that's 30 cents a day, the more the merrier) starting at the age of 18, invested in private retirement account is all it takes for me and millions of others to detest socialized programs, now I know not everybody can part with that  astronomical sum....but as long as the libs deride such common and well documented ways you'll never know....ya see, if you don't need them...they are's about the power....Smith- Barney for president, I say.  Like them, you should earn it ....the old fashion way.....ho hum on your lame and repetitive loop taping of logically debunked and worse yet, perpetuation of ideas that more people than you'll ever admit to, have figured out.... It's the only reason libs want talk radio controlled...cause ya see...people are being educated with the rest of the facts.....but hey, the Dunmdownacrat party has every right to exist........if ya choose to stay dumb, that is.  Won't comment on your bogus stas....every time libs quote one, they know YOU wont verify them.

  6. Your poorly worded, grammatically incorrect question makes no sense.

  7. The republicans thought everything was fine while Saddam was serving a positive purpose for this country, when it became apparent it would be in the best interests of this country if he were taken out, then that's what happened.

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