
Why does Bush preface his filthy lies with "some would say" and then say something nobody ever said?

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Bush always makes a strawman argument attributed to "some", and refuses to get more specific than that.




  1. some would say that that some would actually say that

  2. "some would say" is a weasel phraise which prevents Bush from being responsible for what he is saying.

  3. Simple Mole Works

  4. Yes, it's become a very popular tactic on the right.  They make up a statement like that, or like "many argue," and then don't have to take responsibility for it, because after all, THEY didn't say it.  It's cowardly and dishonest.

  5. Why do some people post outlandish questions with no substance or specifics on Y!A ?

  6. Because he's the "some" that he is referring to...

  7. Your political persuasion and 'filthy' intolerance is SHOW-e-e-e-i-n-g!!

    ALL speakers, be they potiticians or otherwise, use this 'crutch' at some time or another to help them make a specific point concerning something about which they *know* they have heard other people express the same *opinion*!

    How tha 'ELL do *YOU* know that *NOBODY* ever said something or other?!?

  8. Well, he only reads what is written for him or what is spoken into his earpiece.  And he does that terribly.  You don't really think that BusHitler thinks for himself, do you?

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