
Why does Bush say "got" all the time, instead of "have"? Did he miss 1st grade grammar class?

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I had to stop watching him speak on t.v. a few years ago, it was making me physically ill. He doesn't make this mistake once in a while, he does it constantly.




  1. STOP HATING ON BUSH! may be he dont know good grammar but hes kept America safe from the terrorists!

  2. What's wrong with 'I've got'? That is perfectly correct English. It's the first person, present perfect tense of the transitive verb 'get'. Perhaps it wasn't noticed because it was proper grammar?

    If you are going to criticize anyone's grammar, be sure it is incorrect before you do so.

  3. I'm southern, so I make the same "mistake" all the time. Example sentence: I've got twenty dollars. It's grammatically correct, or at least as far as I'm aware it is, but when that sentence is said by a southerner the "ve" part of "I've" isn't necessarily stressed and is often hardly heard at all. So it sounds like you're saying: I got twenty dollars. Which isn't right.

  4. I learned before 1st grade how many states there are in the US.  What's your point?

  5. It's Texas vernacular.  I'm a Texan and I know my grammar, but sometimes I still talk Texan...

  6. his public speaking is really embarassing to the whole country.

    i saw a show that put all his speaking errors into a funny little video. God he makes himself look very stupid every time he speaks in public.

  7. People from all areas of our country use different slangs etc. Most people can tell from what area of our country  people come from just by listening to them talk.   No big deal as far as I am concerned.  If that makes you physically ill I have to wonder about you!

  8. Never noticed that.  Nor has anyone else in his 30 years of public life....maybe it's just you?

    You would think four years at Yale and 2 at Harvard would have compensated for the 1st Grade....but, tell me, where did you graduate?  Troll U?

  9. yeah and why doesn't barrack think there is 57 states. is that what happens when your  schooled over seas by terrorist

  10. Cuz he don't speak real good.

    Some of us noticed this some 8 1/2 years ago...

  11. I suppose you would rather have a slick lawyer (Obama) who believes it's okay to throw a baby who miraculously survived an abortion, to just toss it in the garbage can, and feels strongly enough about it that he thinks it should be a law, but as long as he says "have" instead of "got", it's okay in your book, right?

    If that's how they talk in Texas, that's how they talk. Why be so judgmental over such nonsense when there is so much more going on in this world that needs to be corrected

  12. Call him Average Joe. His grammar is no different than 90% of the American "Heartland". I for one say have instead of got.

  13. I do notice, but I listen more to what he says, rather then the way he says it.

    I prefer a misplaced "got" instead of constant "Duh, um, der, doh, er, and I'm sorry, it's not on my teleprompter yet" from Duh-bama. I also prefer to be talked to, instead of down to. Duh-bama thinks no one notices the way he treats his peasants, another form of elitism.

  14. YES! He missed 1st grade all together!

  15. Lol. He was taking tap-dancing classes  

  16. Buddy, if you are getting physically ill because of listening to ANYONE, you've got a real problem.  

  17. Agreed.  It's the residual effects of the booze talking.

  18. bush is a smart guy.he has to be.

    think about it "oh I'm a simple guy,just like you."apparently it worked for eight years.

  19. He calls a president as "Yo, Harper" in front of all cameras and other presidents, during a G8 meeting! He has the brain of a little bird.

  20. He seems to make a number of mistakes constantly.  I wish his grammatical mistakes were his worst.  Sadly, there are not even close.

  21. Haha I hate Bush...

  22. Sounds to me like you are taking the "queens english" to the extreme. Get over it. He's an American. Why don't you just tell the truth and say that you are a liberal idealist who thinks his c**p doesn't stink....

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