
Why does Bush support this country?

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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A Pakistani lawmaker defended a decision by southwestern tribesmen to bury five women alive because they wanted to choose their own husbands, telling stunned members of Parliament this week to spare him their outrage.




  1. I thought you were asking why does Bush support THIS country- meaning the U.S.  to that i have no answer. wait he doesn't. he simply rapes this country for every dollar and keeps the repo cans cared with the magic word "terrorism" and they just keep giving bush money. Money for higher oil. Money to invade contries like Iraq. money for nothing and your chicks for free.


  2. It has been said and it should clearly be said again ....

    "The way to judge a society is how it treats it's weakest members"

    Who are the weakest members? This varies from place to place - but here are the commonalities among them

    They are the ones with no voice - no choice - seen as deserving of their cruel fate - they often have little to no rights in practice if not in law they are unpopular and they represent idea's that are not welcome in the mainstream ---

    Who that is changes from place to place - but the bigger question of who they are seems to stay the same at all levels and in all places

    They are the right less and the voiceless "marginalized" not as equal to others -

    It is sad that every last place on the earth has these people

    But the medieval acts that remind us of our own brutal past should cause us to recoil in horror - The average person would be ..... our elites are willing to look the other way

    The population would not put up or tolerate the crimes that our leaders choose not to tell us about - both the crimes of others they seek friendship with and those that are committed by their orders

    What does that tell you ?

    The common folk are horrified - the elites choose not to look -  

  3. Well that's not right of them to do that. It's a tradition of theirs, a cruel one however.  

  4. This is a nation with a mentality that raping a girl of minority religion is the greatest religious duty. They have abysmal record when it comes to women or minority. Democracy is a wonderful thing. But not when the constituents have this kind of mentality. This is the reason we helped Musharraf to stay in power. Unfortunately now he is gone and this nation is on path to democracy which will mean Muslim extremists in power. More to worry for Women and Minority. When this Nation was founded there were 25-30% Hindus. Now because of rapes and killings the population is just 1.5%. The political leaders give free pass to perpetrators. The laws of nation are against the minorities. They are not allowed to express their religious beliefs. Temples and churches are demolished every day. Their properties can be snatched by the government and it happens on a regular basis.

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