
Why does California and Illinios have the 4 and 5th highest unemployment rates?They are Democratic states?

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California and Illinois are Democratic strongholds and look how their Senators have failed them. Obama voted to raise taxes in Illinois and now they have the highest taxes in the nation. So, he did bring change but in a bad way.




  1. Most people believe that the Illinois gov. is insane.

  2. Add West Virginia to your list.  Solidly democratic and I believe 3rd in unemployment.  

    And about the comment re California:  news break, there are more democratic senators and representatives in Washington than republicans, so it doesn't matter if Scwartzenheffer is a "republican."

  3. I would say yes he did bring change in a bad way.

    Change isn't always good and obama is a wolf in sheep's clothes.

  4. I don't know about Illinois. But in here in California we have the Governator and he is no Democrat. In fact I'd dare you to call him one to his face.

    Nice try though.

  5. You are aware that the top state in unemployment can go either way and the next two are Republican states -- including Palin's home state of Alaska.

  6. when he says change, hes talking about the stuff in your pocket..

  7. Sorry, but your question is specious.  And Senators work in Washington, not Sacramento or Springfield.

  8. Isn't running the state an "executive function"? Why are you looking at Obama? Isn't California's governor Schwarznegger? The Republicans have been touting Palin's "executive experience" in running Alaska. You should be using the same yardstick. Unemployment has nothing to do with taxes - you can't be taxed if you're not earning anything. Do we need to go to Tax 101? You illogically try to connect the taxes as the source of unemployment.

    Let's please use logic and a little IQ when trying to bash other people. Otherwise you end up with your foot in your mouth. Wait, we just had an entire GOP convention of precisely that. Oh well. i guess you learned from the best "foot-mouthers".

  9. He wants to bring that same bad change to the entire nation so Illinois doesn't look so bad.

    Are you sure he voted or was he just 'present'.  Did the mob okay his vote?

    Any change Obama wants to bring to this country is not going to be good for the working class people.

    I have yet to figure out how supporters think raising taxes on the rich (who own companies and businesses that provide jobs for the middle class) is going to be beneficial.  A company is going to make money, period.  If taxes go up, the adjustment will be made in salaries, raises, and number of positions at the company.,,,,,,,,yes, folks, the middle class gets affected.  We will ultimately end up being the ones paying those taxes by losing our jobs, losing our benefits, losing our raises.  We are the losers, not the rich people the Obama supporters want to hate so bad.

    It's amazing how many posters I see here who do not know that Obama was in the STATE senate (making laws, and such for the state of Illinois) before becoming a campaigner in Washington via the senate.

  10. 2 of the 3 largest cities are in those states.  There are large populations of illegal immigrants in them as well.  These both contribute to the high unemployment rate.  

  11. So who is 1 through 3? Illinois and California are that high because so many people move there when they lose their jobs.

  12. I heard that Tony Blair was a Republican.

    Now the State of Britain is in the wrong continent!

    (That is a joke)

    Senators don't control the state governments. Learn the different levels of government.

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