
Why does Canada seem to be associated more with the Royal Family than Australia?

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I.e. Royal Guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier on Capital Hill, the fact that a monarch must also ask Canada's permission to marry, why not Australia's too?




  1. We like her more? She is like our grandmother.

    For you, like your mother giving you a timeout.

  2. I do not know why you would say that they seem more associated with Royal Family than with Australia? They are all equally associated with one another. If you look on the internet and do some searching for the "Commonwealth Realm". The Monarch of the U.K., is also the King or Queen of Canada, Australia, Jamaica, the Bahammas, and a lot of other places. That is pretty much why the queen has to have their permission. She also has to ask Australia's permission also if I am not mistaken. You may want to search the net and check for some more information. I hope that I have helped you in some way. Have a nice day!

  3. Canadians tend to like their association with the British Monarchy; Australians tend to hate it. This is mainly due to the cause of the connection. Most Australians are British criminals shipped to Australia as punishment; pretty much all Canadians have gone there at their own free will, and many non-British Canadians have been offered the chance of a better life in Canada as a result of the British colonisation. Thus you can see why Canadians are much more likely to be pro-monarchy than Australians.

    On a side note, I have nothing against Australians, but you can't deny they're quite a lot more arrogant than Canadians, and thus are very compatative towards the UK, and England when it comes to sport. They like to think they're always one step ahead of the UK. Although, I don't nessesarily think they hate the UK as a country, because they're very competative with New Zealand too.

  4. because we are loyal to the Queen, she is our head of state.

  5. Do not know.

    You are the it out.

  6. Australia has more sense....

  7. The Canadians have a far closer relationship with the Queen than Australia, she is called the Queen of Canada in Canada and has represented Canada in other countries - including the USA.  The Queen has also visited Canada many times.

    Australia is further away geographically and the Queen has visited far less, she's rarely called the Queen of Australia and rarely represented Australia elsewhere. Out of the three biggest countries where she is Head of State they are the only one to have held a referendum on becoming a Republic. The only reason the vote was defeated was because the Australian public didn't like the fact that any president would be selected by Parliament not the people.

  8. After serving in combat and in peacetime with both types I have an opinion.  These beliefs come from what I experienced serving WITH and BESIDE each group:  Canada started as a colony of settlers (with a few conquered Frenchmen (0ne of which was an ancestor of mine who fought the British during the American Revolution).  Australia was a place where they dumped people that they didn't want (more-so than they did in the Americas).

    Australians had to fight for existence from the start and that gave them a bit of independant thought and some well earned self respect and feeling of accomplishment.  Canada was always more like the pampered child like (ie "Mom liked you best")  They were always the "country cousins" to the English and never looked upon as much more than "poor relatives".  I think that this is why they get along with Americans more than the English do.

    Australia's "claim to fame" is that "they fought like h**l and made it".  Canada's is "well....we are part of the British Empire".

    I remember when a fight broke out at British headquarters in Germany between the English and the Americans in the NCO club, that the Canadians always sided with the English and the Aussies always came over to the American side.

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