
Why does Canadian government like to harbor convicted terrorists like Huseyin Celil?

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Why does Canadian government like to harbor convicted terrorists like Huseyin Celil?




  1. never heard of him

  2. I felt the need to reply to your comment:

    your question:


    On the other hand, we should let them stay temporarily and earning really LOW wages, do jobs that are of no interests to American citizens, such as toilet cleaning... as long as they do not break US laws or steal things. I do not feel my job being threatened by that. "

    I understand your standards for the price for citizenship and I respect your point of view. Everyone has a price. As for setting apart what one being should get compared to another, I dont belive its right. I dont belive its correct to look down on anyone and it sounds like thats what we would be doing by " letting them  do jobs that are of no interests to American citizens, such as toilet cleaning".. We have to remember though that just as there are criminal illegals there are criminal legals in our country, but it is extremely easy to point finger. I appreciate your sincerity.

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