
Why does Chelsea Clinton get to speak at the DNC, but John Edwards doesn't?

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Why does Chelsea Clinton get to speak at the DNC, but John Edwards doesn't?




  1. Because she doesn't have an extramarital love child (that we know of, lol)  

  2. Cause She didn't cheat on her wife.

    Lol no i agree with ya John should be there

  3. Chelsea is going to announce that about 25% of her Mom's supporters are voting for McCain.

  4. For having an affair. I think the Democrats want to distance themselves from politicians who cheat on their wives. They've been there, done that.

  5. Because the Convention is an exercise in politics by politicians, seeking to influence the American people.

    The American people must never know that politicians are human, because we, as humans, could not look up to them if they were like us. We wouldn't even give them enough support in the polls to make it look like the vote counting computers were not rigged.  

    Issues mean nothing to politicians, unless it is an issue that doesn not affect the powerful people who own politicians.  What do the rich care if abortion is illegal?  They'll just fly to a country where it isn't.

    So "values" issues become the most talked about by the corporate media and seem to many to be the only issues.  Actually, "values" don't cost a thing.  Politicians could send every American a big box of them for absolutely nothing but the postage on the weight of the container.  

    Back to Edwards and Chelsea Clinton.  the reason she's speaking and he isn't is simple.  Edwards' sins have been publicized and Chelsea's haven't.  (Unless, of course, the sins of her father are counted against her.)  In that case, yours is a good question.

    If the person with the most publicized sin is shut out of the world of lobbyist's bribes, AND the child is as guilty of publicized sin as the father, then Chelsea's sin is greater than that of John Edwards.  

    In that case, she should be never be allowed to entertain any hope of  being bought at a high price by the military industrial complex or bankers or the medical insurance/pharmaceutical industry, Exxon or any other industry that is sensitive to government policy..  Their representatives must appear to be spotlessly clean.  

    There is only one way for Chelsea to get around this problem.  At the convention, she must tell a story about how she met Pat Robertson and through his guidance, she had all her sins (including the sins of her father) washed away.    

  6. cause he cheated on his wife

  7. Did Edwards ask to speak and get turned down?  


    So your question is irrelevant.

  8. Edwards was never scheduled to speak....Chelsea is a young voter who is well known and who has championed women in the footsteps of her mom. She will do a great job!

  9. cause she's his Date.

  10. He wasn't invited.


    Boy you guys are really the lowest common denominators eh.

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