
Why does China want Tibet so badly? How would owning Tibet benefit them?

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Why does China want Tibet so badly? How would owning Tibet benefit them?




  1. The bottom line is money and power. There is a wealth of natural resources in the expansive lands of Tibet and it has been essentially untapped. In addition, there is the wealth of held by the position of the Dalai Lama, which China still holds. This is combined with the tourist presence and revenue currently being drawn now, from the attention to "Free Tibet". The bottom line is money and power.

  2. A great deal of the original technologies the Chinese developed came from Tibet and the temples there are considered  holy.

  3. a matter of pride i guess

  4. You must understand that the Tibetans are subversives and anarchists.  They have no respect for human life and if given arms and ammunition they would try to destroy cities of innocent people.  The Tibetan Monks use young girls for their own harems and force mothers and fathers to till the fields 18 hours a day.  China is putting an end to all that and freeing Tibetan political prisoners.  Let's give a fair shake to China.  I humbly close in your honorable presence.  Guy Chi.

  5. The Communist China has been following a very aggressive  policy of expansionism, right from day one. Once, the British left the scene, they took over Tibet by force. Nehru was pusillanimous in his dealings with China. In any ace, India did not want to annex it. Had Tibet remained independent, that would have served the Indian interest better, would have been a buffer. Further, India has a long and close cultural and religious connection with Tibet. Kailash and Manosarovar, sacred for the Hindus of Indus are situated in Tibet. The Buddhist Tibet had both their spiritual and temporal in their Dalai Lama and wanted to retain their independence. The atheistic and nationalistic Communist China would not countenance this stance of Tibet. They simply annexed and the Dalai Lama and his followers fled to India. Now, Dalai Lama has is heading a Tibet government in exile. This situation has given rise to certain diplomatic discomfiture between India and China. It continues to be an irritant factor in the relations between these two countries.

  6. Oil, lead, rich minerals. Vast tourism sales. If China release them to the Western powers, they will kick themselves in their butts.

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