
Why does Chinese food (at least the type normally available in restaurants) have no milk based ingredients?

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Why does Chinese food (at least the type normally available in restaurants) have no milk based ingredients?




  1. No cows....mooooo!

  2. Yes, you are correct about the chinese food haveing no milk based ingrediant.

    Chinese cuisine originates from the various regions of China and has become widespread in many other parts of the world

    A meal in Chinese culture typically consists of two or more general components: (1) a carbohydrate source or starch, typically rice, noodles, or mantou (steamed buns),


    (2) accompanying dishes of vegetables, meat, fish, or other items.

    Noodles are also a critical part of much of Chinese cuisine,

    Chinese cuisine usually includes stir frying, steaming and braising,

  3. Because Asians...are very smart people. :-D

  4. Milk and milk products are not a part of the traditional Chinese diet.   Most people of Asian descent are lactose intolerant.

  5. My understanding is most orientals have very low tolerance to milk digestion. I guess it is a lactose thing. Probably why they use so much soy based products.

  6. Many chinese people cannot digest milk products

  7. Usually chinese doesnt have much milk ingredient based food, very rare. Go for fried rice or fried noodle.

    im chinese btw.

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