
Why does Chinese people?

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boos to other countries except the US??

Are they trying to be polite!? lol

I can't believe the way they cheer...




  1. occasional booing is a kind of respect instead of despise.

    constant booing is NOT respect, though.

  2. coz there g*y i bet well do the same lol

  3. because america is their competition for taking over the world...

  4. USA is paying for the great firewall of china

  5. There all over the wrold anywhere you go your going to find china town.There just people whos population is great.

  6. NB: Are you saying there are no racists in the USA? The biggest murderer in US history lives in the White House and sent his storm troopers into a country that had done absolutely nothing to ours because he didn't like their way of life and to draw attention away from the fact that his benefactors, the Saudis, were manipulating oil prices for personal gain.

    Bush makes the skinheads, KKK, and black-power groups look like kindergarteners. Wake up.

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