
Why does Coke at McDonald's taste better than from a bottle?

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Why does Coke at McDonald's taste better than from a bottle?




  1. don't know, but I always have liked Coke in a glass bottle (yes im old) the best with cans second.  Maybe it is because when you buy fountain coke and have it with the ice and it is so cold and tasty :)  

  2. soda in a can will taste different from a soda from a fountain at McDonalds or a circle k store just as it will taste different from what is in the bottle, i think it is just the packaging and the way it is mixed at McDonalds, with the carbonation,syrup and all that other stuff.

  3. Who knows!

  4. Both use filtered carbonated water and a part of what you like is that you are used to the minerals that are left.  The machines are serviced regularly and they have a special cup that measures to make sure you get the right amount of syrup added to the water.  I must say the carbonation seems a bit more active at the fountain.  But I think the answer is freshness.  Bottled Coke sits around, possibly in the sun and possibly for months.  At the fountain, it is fresh water,fresh carbonation, and also fresh syrup.  I doubt if McDonald's keeps their syrup for more than a week with as much traffic as they do.

  5. because the soda machine has carbonate and syrup.  the bottle have lil bit but not as good as the machine.

  6. Well, that isn't a rule, sometimes cola at McDonald's may suck a big one. It depends how it's done because we don't buy cola, we use some kind of concentrate held in metal barrels and we mix it with water and CO2. If you add less water, it gets more sweet, you add more water, it loses it's taste.. So, you are just lucky to always get well made cola at McDonald's :) Cheers

  7. Cause they add water.  I hate Coke but can somehow always drink it at Mcdonalds cause its not so thick and sugary.

  8. Well Maybe The Coke In The Bottle Was Flat But I Don't Know

  9. Well.....I thing cause u get pepsi served instead of coca cola.....pepsi tastes more sweet than coke....

  10. There's something about Soda pop from a fountain that just seems better than from a bottle.  

  11. When the coke at a restaurant is serviced...the service technician increases the amount of syrup to be added to the mix. So you end up getting a much higher concentration of the coke syrup at McDonalds than you do in a bottle.

  12. It's the way they make the mixture. They only start with the syrup and add the carbonation later. It can depend on the local water, too.

  13. well the answer could be that mcdonalds coke comes from a cylinder

    and is mixed on site , but i prefer bottled stuff myself i think the big M adds to much ice and waters it down to much .

  14. Often my Husband and I have to drive threw Mc Donalds just to get him a lrg.Coke and I get a van.cone. (?)

  15. becaus it pepsi

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