
Why does Cuba allow the USA to operate a base in Guantanamo Bay?

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considering the fact that the USA has imposed an embargo on Cuba and is staunchly anti-Castro.




  1. I believe it is because we obtained that land before Castro came into power. And it is now legally American land.

  2. One of the answers was correct.  Also because there is a "Firing Line that separate U.S. from Cuban Soldiers" so to speak.  U.S. soldiers have mirrors.  We don't fire, they don't fire.  It's a volatile situation...has been and always will be since JFK.  

  3. We have bigger bombs than they do.

  4. its not that they let us,we leased it for a 100 years!

  5. Castro knows we would love for hem to give us One good reason to remove hem :)

  6. Because they can't force us off.  

  7. the current government doesn't, but the prior one did.  we still abide by the lease we entered into before Castro took power.  they tear up the rent check but we stay.  

    BOTH countries must agree to end the lease.  Cuba wants us out, we say no, so..stalemate.  until the 99 years is done..then, we'll see.

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