
Why does Denny's have a lock on it's door? it never closes! what's the point?!?

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I was wondering:

Why does the restaurant Denny's have a lock on it's door?

It's one of the only places open 24/7 and never closes. Not even on national holidays, so why would it need a lock for the door that's never put to use?





  1. There is one Denny's in Oakland, CA that I tried to eat at but they close after midnight every night (It's a high crime neighborhood in Oakland).

  2. well we all have inside info on dennys so this is a great question dillhole

  3. it would probably cost more to get a special door without a lock, than a standard door that has a lock.

    Those commercial doors already come with a lock.  They don't bother taking it out, because then it will collect water and start to rust, because there will be a hole there.

  4. Prime example.  We were in Dallas for Ozzfest. Show was over we went to go to eat at the Denny's near our hotel.  The water main in front of the place was busted so they were closed until they had water again.  Locked the door.   So there are times when they are closed.  Just far between.

  5. In the late 1980's ( not sure year) it did it because it closed Christmas Day

  6. In case of emergency situations.  The restaurant may need to close the doors to keep people out.  Good question though!

  7. Like Kracker said, municipal codes require that the doors have a lock,.....whether it is used or not.  Waffle House is the same way.  They are open 24/7/365.  They have to have a lock.

  8. Most municipal building codes require locks on entry doors.  Thus to pass the building inspection a lock must be installed.

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