
Why does Domestic Violence Awareness Month fail every year...?

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0 LIKES UnLike make us aware that men suffer domestic violence from women at the same rate as women from men?

The campaign:

The information the campaign will never tell you about (review paper by a Professor of Law, Linda Kelly)




  1. Great question! I did not know this.  They have failed.

  2. Domestic Violence is all about women as victims, men as rogues, and that's how it was, that's how it is, and hopefully that's how it will NOT remain.

    All feminists are like Professor, living in a world of denial even when evidence is pressed on their faces. They're the most close-minded humans in the universe. And since feminists continue to be worshipped, the real figures will never be public. Never.

    You ask why? Because women are in control, and they are worse than Adolf Hitler at abusing it so that they will be worshipped regardless of whether they deserve to be or not. I will never step in Sweden for that precise reason.

    When is DVA Month by the way?

  3. Apparently you are consumed by DV- so it got your attention.

    "men suffer domestic violence from women at the same rate as women from men?"   No, they don't.  Yes,  DV aimed at men does occur but it is not equal to that aimed at women.

  4. Because empty, government directed feel-good pablum does nothing to directly address the problem. It's not not fairytale symbolism we need, but responsibility by individuals, their family freinds & the community.

    Forget campaigns. If parents would show a little more responsibility in raising & discipling their children, these problems could be reduced.

  5. Because NOW is opposed to the correct point of view.

  6. June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, Cancer from the Sun Month, and National Fireworks Safety Month.  Did you ever hear of them?  Thought not.

    We don't need a special month to continue to tell people they don't have to tolerate domestic violence.  Personally I'd like to see you quote another study that says men are victims of more violence than women.  Surely there must be one somewhere!

    In the meantime, why don't you and your friends on the bonehead websites so beloved by you all do your parts and create a Domestic Violence Against Men Awareness Month instead of just b*tchin' about how feminism ignores it?

    You're all storm and fury, signifying nothing.  DO SOMETHING.

  7. Unless there's a greeting card for the occasion, we won't know about it or do anything about it....

  8. This may be true, but as I didn't even know that DV month existed (and I am hardly the most ill informed person) it probably doesn't make much difference.

  9. Men suffer from domestic violence, too, but at a much lower rate. Women account for approximately 85% and men approximately 15% of all victims.

    95%  of domestic violence perpetrators are male.

    Please check your facts.

    Domestic Violence awareness is extremely important - the more we educate, the better for everyone. I would NOT say it is a failure.

    DV month is May. (It's also Rape Awareness Month)

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