
Why does Domino's even bother with "You got 30 minutes"?

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I've never received my pizza in 30 minutes or less. I understand that its just an estimate, but they advertise it as if its a guarantee. Why not give an actual reasonable estimation, like "You got 60 minutes"? I always receive my pizza 1 hour+ (on rare occasions, less then 1 hour). Is this just my Domino's store?




  1. The advertisement "You Got 30 Minutes" is an advertising gimmick.

    My Domino's Pizza is usually delivered 20 to 25 minutes after ordering.  I live nearby and I always give GOOD TIPS.  And I receive GOOD service.

  2. As I recall, in the 80s Domino's advertised this and actually stuck to the "30 minutes or free" policy (I was in college at the time and ordered a lot of pizza.)

    But then, at some point there was a big ruckus over the fact that drivers were getting into accidents, speeding etc. as a result of this policy and Domino's was pressured to give it up.

    Since then, I have noticed that Domino's will usually give you a pretty accurate delivery window time, but rarely do they promise 30 minutes or less on the store level.

  3. The "You got 30 minutes" campaign  was their way of getting out of the under 30 minutes or free deal.....Now let me places take various times to deliver depending on time of day, how busy, etc.  I have ordered many pizzas and I have always found the time estimate to quite accurate....45 minutes, more than an hour, etc......If your local Dominos is not doing this, then they are not operating like they should. Call and ask for manager, district manager, franchise owner.....discuss with them......If your pizza always arrives later than told, why do you not call and complain at that time?  Or before it arrives if they are late?  I have received pizza from Dominos under 30 minutes, usually they are extremely fast and pizza is hot and fresh.

  4. I get mine in 30 min.  If you order online after you have placed your order a screen pops up and it tells you what stage the pizza is at. (Prep, Oven, Delivery)  It also tells you who is making it and who is delivering it.  You can use this to tell where you pizza is.

  5. Remember when McDonalds did that whole...have your food in a certian amount of time but never turned the clocks on at the drive thru? It is just like that a big freaking joke. They just want you to order from them...But they do tell you when you call that it is not a garuntee...whatever! LOL!

  6. to make u wanna buy, i guess.

  7. I called them they say they dont promote that anymore. i was like bs i saw your add on tv that said you got 30mins and i timed and it and i got it in a hour to. that stuff is just bs.

  8. Because it was their old gimmick. They should let it go but like so many other things, they are tied to their traditions.

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