
Why does E202 make my daughter behave as if someone has shoved a rocket up her backside?

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She is a lot better now she don't get it no more (It was mainly in dilute to taste juice). But WHY does/did it send her all hyper and buzzing?




  1. I don't know but why are you giving your child any food with any E numbers in them?  

  2. E202 is an antibacterial and anti-fungall preservative, as you said. It's made by neutralising sorbic acid.

    It actually has no known side effects, maybe it was the food/drink you were giving to herthatt contained the E202, lots of sugar perhaps?

    And to the person who asked why she is giving E numbers to her daughter, some parents don't know they are giving E numbers to their kids because manufacturers are changing the E numbers back to their chemical names so when someone doesn't see any E's on a packet they think they have no E numbers when in fact they do, they are just called by their real names.

    The reason why E numbers were made was because manufacturers thought the chemical names would scare people away from eating the food, but now people are scared of the numbers, they use the real names instead.

  3. i don't know why:C

    Empress, she obviously isn't a paranoid parent, which is a good thing.

  4. What is E202?

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