
Why does EDWARDS AND OBAMA appear so weak when confronting Hillary?

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-what are they afraid of ?




  1. the demos have been good at putting up a uninted front. they have all been on their best behavior. however, the gloves should come off soon. i think you will see those two become more aggresive in challenging hillary. problem is, it may already be too late.

  2. I don't see that...

    However, if there is some truth to what your saying, it's probably because they don't want to be completely at odds with Hillary since she is currently the most popular.  She's the front coming out against her with attacks would only lessen their support from people at the polls, if they do get the nomination.

  3. Are you kidding me?  She has more testosterone than both of them put together!

  4. edwards is a wimp and Obama has to pretend he's a wimp or else he will scare away all the wimpy white voters


  6. Because she has bought the DNC nomination in 1998 and since then, she has a lock on the nomination. The other candidates are just for show, and ultimately to help Hillary raise primary and general election campaign funds when they resign over the course of the next several months.

    Meanwhile, Edwards and Obama are accruing favors with the DNC by helping make Hillary appear stronger than she is so they can be the presidential nominee in 2016 or 2020.

    They are playing smart politics.

    Did you also know, though, that the DNC candidates are not allowed to bring up the Clinton impeachment, or mention anything whatsoever about her roles in Bill's administration while they are campaigning? But she can boast about HillaryCare. Rules have been made by the DNC that already give Hillary a huge advantage.

  7. Even they are frightened of Hitlery.

  8. She a woman...

    She has to study upon facts more and learn more than an the average man does so not to appear weak.  Therefore, it allows them to appear weak.  

    Men have always been know to under estimate the average female and this proves it..

  9. Because they both give off a wussy vibe.

  10. Decode this lyrics " Woman in love"

    What do you think?

  11. A smart woman!

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