
Why does England have a queen?

by Guest63873  |  earlier

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Why do people put up with that? Queen's and kings? Still? Come on now.




  1. Actually, all parliamentary forms of government where there is a prime minister have a head of state.  In the UK, it is the Queen.  In other countries, it is a distinguished man or woman who is given the ceremonial task of being head of state for a given number of years.  With the options, a queen or king makes at least as much sense as a powerless president.  In the case of the UK, Denmark, and other countries, the monarch provides a sense of national unity, with people either hating or loving her as the case might be.  The Queen issues a few statements, speaks annually at parliament, and receives official visitors.  Otherwise, the royal family doesn't interfere with the real government.  Aside from that, the royal family (including her cousins) gives the tabloids lots of material to use as they are constantly doing things that make us laugh and/or gasp.

  2. Brits have no choice in the matter. The royals use their power to control the social system by the weapon of ostracization of critics, who are then shunned by friends and neighbors, and lose other opportunities, such as getting job promotions or better jobs. The royals set up a "republican society" in britain, supposedly to oppose the monarchy publically, and then the royals filled it with social misfits, psychiatric cases, and people with criminal backgrounds, so the idea of a republic would be associated with this kind of people, and thus, be rejected.

    These royals are no fools. They have one hand in every brits pocket and want things to just stay like that forever. And the other hand is over every brits mouth,so they wont say a word

  3. Because they're all living in the 17th century over there.

  4. what's it to YOU anyway ... IT is their Business and If they wish to have the monarchy continue then that is THEIR perogative ,......... I mean why s***w around with a system that works.

    THEY did abandon the Monarchy in 1649 but restored it in 1660

  5. The queen has no power apart from cerimonial, she isn't an autocrat. It's all for the tourists, England makes a lot of money off of Buckingham palace.

  6. They are tabloid  material, other than that they are a bunch of dolts.

  7. To be precise (if not a little pedantic) there is no Queen of England.  

    England ceased to exist as a kingdom in 1707 when the first Act of Union greated the SINGLE Kingdom of Great Britain under Queen Anne (formerly Queen of England and Queen of Scots).  This was superceded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. On the sucession of most of Ireland in the twentieth century the kingdom became the United Kingdom of Great Brtiain and Northern Ireland.

  8. Because they cherish the heritage of their nation which is a lot older than ours.

    And the Kings and Queens and all the royal family linage goes back

    what the heck do a google on it.

  9. Hey, I think thats real real neat.  I mean I live in the US and love my country but having kings and queens and princes and princesses..I would really like that and not mind it at all*

  10. It's far better than having a President Brown/Blair believe me.

  11. If we had a president we could have got someone like George W Bush. 'nuff said.

  12. England still has a queen simply because the majority wish so.However bad it may seem to others,it is infinitely better than having someone like George Dubbya Bush,a semi articulate liar,being the most benign accusation labled against him.

  13. You guys have to put up with GW Bush etc.  Do we Brits want that ? nooooooooooooooo

  14. Because Graham Norton needed something to do!

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