
Why does England still have royality when the queen/king no longer rules the country?

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It seems that since Charles and Diane's wedding, the royal family have more of a celebrity status. I know the queen speaks to the Parliment but royality doesn't rule the country anymore like long ago. So why is there still a queen and a future king (charles)? I'm American so I don't understand royalty. America has a government and then has celebrities like movie stars and athletes. So I'm just trying to understand what the queen actually does today?




  1. Her Majesty the Queen provides stability to the government, and a sense of balance to its democracy.

  2. I think (without trying to be rude in any way) you have answered your own question...''Your American''?

    And of course you would ask a question like this.

    of course!

    Google  History of England.....then tell me why?...they need a queen....

    If you still can't get it my dear, will have to live with the fact....your American.!

  3. England is a contitutional monarchy. Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State, while the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament. The Sovereign governs according to the constitution - that is, according to rules, rather than according to his or her own free will.

    Although the United Kingdom does not have a written constitution which sets out the rights and duties of the Sovereign, they are established by conventions. These are non-statutory rules which can bind just as much as formal constitutional rules. As a constitutional monarch, The Queen cannot make or pass legislation, and must remain politically neutral. On almost all matters The Queen acts on the advice of ministers. However, the Sovereign retains an important political role as Head of State, formally appointing prime ministers, approving certain legislation and bestowing honours.The Queen also has official roles to play in other organisations, such as the Armed Forces and the Church of England.

    As a system of government, constitutional monarchy has many strengths. One is that it separates out the ceremonial and official duties of the Head of State from party politics.

    Another is that it provides stability, continuity and a national focus, since the Head of State remains the same even as governments come and go.  

    *I'm also American, but I am aware of these things.

  4. Well one reason is tradition and respect for history

    Second the royal family acts as heads of state so they do the silly ceremonies so Parliament can get on with the nitty gritty job of governing

  5. the Queen and King sit around and count the days to when the rightful King Arthur shows up wielding the mighty Excalibur!


  6. The British Monarchy is just a figurehead posisition the Brits keep as part of their old traditions.  Other than that, it's one of the worlds greatest democracies.

  7. The Royals serve as a symbolic head of the country, as per tradition there is to be a royal family.

  8. in some european countries there are monarchies (UK, Spain, Norway...). in some countries the kings have more power that in others. the president of USA is the head-of-state. in Uk the queen is the head-of-state and the first minister is the head-of government. the queens and kings are the head-of-state in their countries. so they have the power corresponding to a head-of-state.

    the monarchy still exists, because in these countries there are kings for more than 1000 years ago. is a tradition. in some countries there are a republic, but there are nobility. for example in France the monarchy was abolissed but the inheritor of the throne have a tittle of duke.

    it's better than the head-of-state's tittle is separated of the head.of-government's tittle because is more imparcial

  9. she goes around and waves at people

  10. As an englishman, let me explain

    The royal family used to rule absolutely... what the king/queen said was law... then they started relying on advisors as the empire grew until the creation of a parliment equivilant to the US congress or senate

    Eventualy after time only the really big choices such as going to War etc. were left to the royalty until eventually the title became a figurehead with no real power

    To this day the Queen can do lots of neat stuff like goto war, disband an army but in reality she is employed by the government and the people to sit in a nice big house, visit the occasional guest and look pretty

    She is a glorified celebrity

  11. Please learn to spell before you slam our Royal Family (royality: royalty, Diane: Diana). We have the royals because we have had them for over 1000 years, also, I prefer having a Monarch over a President any day. The Queen doesn't 'speak to the Parliament', she just opens it annually and has to be consulted for all major decisions (such as war because the army belongs to her). Also, she is the Defender of the Faith and is the head of the Church of England; something only a royal could do unlike an elected person.

  12. Tourist dollars and tradition

  13. 'Bub' we in england don't use dollars.


  15. I will make the simply answer that in the democracy country,  the King Institution is the highest institution of the country and noone can do infringement but he will be under the constitution.  People do pay respect the king and his family.  If you love someone and do restpect him very much,  you will know the feeling and meaning of royalty.

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