
Why does Europe believe the science of Global Warming, yet are afraid of GM foods?

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Science has proven that GM foods are 100% safe and pose no harm to the environment. Americans have consumed GM foods for years without any problems.

Yet in Europe, GM foods are still called "Franken-foods" and still not accepted by the consumer.

How can Europeans be so "Enlightened" and accept so-called "global warming" yet be so skeptical of the science of GM foods?

Or is science just the cover for the politics of these pseudo sciences because accepting global warming as fact, and opposing gm foods are the agendas of left wing politics?




  1. I don't know the exact details around GM foods and Europe's policies around it but my impression is that I wouldn't be too concerned eating it.

    Neither do I have a real answer to your question. Maybe it's because we like to use the "precautionary principle". That would make sense to both explain our stance on Global warming and GM foods.

  2. thats why we are america and they are europe :D

  3. Environmentalists all over the world are against GM foods.  Europeans have a tendency to accept anything said by environmentalists without question.  

    The sad thing is that if global cooling occurs, there will be widespread crop failures all over Europe.  GM foods can help them out.  But by refusing to even consider the possibility that the sun is a major influence on climate, and not preparing for cooling (just in case), they going to put their citizens through major hardships.

  4. You hit the nail on the head on that one.

    All of these things are agenda driven. Science has nothing to do with the global warming scam or the ban on GM foods.

    It's all political.

  5. I think it is a problem with socialism and it's deep rooted manipulation of the thought process of the masses, which is an artifact of it's Monarchists roots. In a free market society such as the US people accept proof, and that is why it is hard to convince many people in the US that the AGW theory will play a major role in future climate, because the proof is only found by PlayStation climatology. When the US government found that acid rain was a problem they passed legislation and forced the automotive industry to correct the problem and there are many examples of how environmental problems were analyzed and resolved by the EPA. Europe on the other hand does not have an organization that has demonstrated the efficiency and resolving power of the EPA to correct potential environmental problems caused by our civilization. But they sure are good at complaining and pointing fingers.

  6. I agree that much of the controversy over GM foods is unscientific.

    But the idea that global warming is some "leftist" thing is patently false.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

  7. Genetically modified foods may be patented, but the pollen may not be contained, so soon all of that type of crop has some patented genes in it.  At that point Monsanto owns 100% of your corn, anywhere on the planet, no matter who grows it.

    Multiply that times all crops.  What woud that do to food prices?  

    Yes, there probably is an agenda: open human access to something as basic and necessary as food.

    What will global corporations want to tax next, the air we breathe?  Oh yeah, for the past 30+ years they've opposed simple conservations measures like raising MPG standards, so both our gasoline and addressing the CO2 pollution its use creates will cost us a whole lot more now.

    So you support a larger air tax (through delay, waiting for global warming to become a much larger issue) AND a food tax (through a rush to patent all food)?

  8. and if all lemmings jump off the cliff, you'll jump with them, right?

    and everything done in the USA and coming from the USA is perfect, is it?

    what has Global Warming to do with Genetically Manipulated food?!

    Europe is still waiting for the long-term studies proving that GM food IS safe - but we are generally sceptical about the manipulation of genes - be it in plants, or in animals or in humans.

    I'm not quite sure why - some claim religious behalfs, some moral (they mix sometimes, btw), others simply say: Nature's best!

    Personally, I'm not sure if they are safe and prefer food with less chemistry and science in it.

    Global Warming is not a science, but it can be proved by science - and it is very likely that is is caused by human industrial pollution. This time.

    Anyway, I don't like industrial plants blowing their dirt in the air that I breathe - or skipping dirt in the water that I drink or bathe in.

    How about you - do you like to live on a dump?

    Not everything the USA do is good - just look at their history, their wars, their treatment of American Natives.

    And concerning politics - you cannot really believe that politics in the USA are better?! may I remind you of the Cigarette Lobby, the Gun Lobby, the Industrial Lobby? They control politicians!

    get thoroughly informed honey, and stop speculating on conspirations!

  9. Personally I think the dangers of eating properly regulated GM crops are so remote as to be negligible.  And I don't like the Greenies attitude to many things that would help us get out of the hole we are in with regard to global warming - eg nuclear is too dangerous, carbon sequestration is doubt full and not liked just because fossil fuels are involved, wind turbines kill birds, tidal barrages and hydro dams destroy habitats - taking notice of all of them would be like being expected to face a blizzard in ones underpants.  Going back to GM crops I think that there can be, and this is well proven, dangers to the environment in terms of cross polination with wild species for example imparting pesticide resistance on them and the dangers to bird life, etc due to complete control of insects etc.

    Edit Notwithstanding the above you have to remember that the UK had just suffered a big almost monumental disaster from the mad cow disease pathogenic agent which survived temperatures of above 250C and crossed species barriers in a way which the scientists thought was impossible.  The overblown paranoia about GM was understandable from the public in the circumstances.

    Edit for Michael C below ways of introducing for example fish oil into plants most certainly has not been around for centuries.

    Edit in response to Dr Jello's additional detail - I feel there is little difference between you and I on GM crops except perhaps  a little regulation (and I think much can be achieved with GM crops)

    Further Edit to address global warming.  Rather like when antislavery became an issue there is a concensus in Europe across the political spectrum that it is right to do something about our CO2 emissions even though there is an economic disadvantage to us in doing so.  You Americans are rather behind on this at the moment but it is my hunch that with new political leadership things will change.

    Edit The best I could find on emissions of greenhouse gases by year for various countries was Fig 2 at .  It is not bang up to date and I couldn't find an enlargement to read better.

  10. Because global warming is an established fact.  On the other hand, the results of GM crops are still, to a large degree, unknown.  Cross-breeding and hybridizing have been around for centuries, but are totally different from genetic modification, which changes the genetic makeup of living organisms.  The reason cows give more milk nowadays is because they are given high doses of hormones and they are milked three times a day instead of the normal two times.  Larger fruit and vegetables come with lots of chemical fertilizer and water. The price we pay for these abnormally large fruits and veggies is much lower nutritional content. I am in my fifties and have never had allergies to corn and soy until they were genetically modified.   I can no longer eat these foods because they were genetically modified.  Besides allergies, other drawbacks of genetic modification include transfer of antibiotic resistance, loss of biodiversity in the environment, transgenes infecting other plants through cross-pollination, and control of the world food supply by a few corporations.  Wake up and start growing your own food!

  11. One word....Indoctrination.

  12. What people (and the media) forget is that GM foods have been around for centuries. For a long time man has messed with the genetics of plants and animals by cross-breading and hybridizing different plants and animals. That's how we get cows that give more milk, larger fruit, pest resistant crops, etc. The only difference is now there is a new tool for making these changes.

  13. I would like to remind Tomcat that all the European countries are DEMOCRACIES, just like us. And if you've ever actually known a European (I married one during my Army tour), you would understand that they are just as independent as we are. But they do understand that the universe doesn't revolve around them. Their level of education is higher, because everyone has the opportunity to attend college. And they take advantage of it. There is the difference.

    Europeans accept Global Warming, because it's science. Something many on here seem to have a problem with.

  14. Where do you get the idea that GM foods are 'proven safe'?

    Did you know that many Monsanto's scientists also serve on the FDA?

    Do you know that an GMO is a source of 'Alien Prions' (protein particles) ?

    Have you heard of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (aka Mad Cow)?

    Alien prions are considered the source of Mad Cow disease that takes years to have the full effects of rotting brain tissues.

    By now you should know most science is brought and paid for.

    Many corporations that support the GW movement will find that their support will come back to bite them after rampant socialism destroys the system made them rich.

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