
Why does Family Guy have a talking dog?

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But they never explained it? Can everyone hear Brian?




  1. because Brian is awsome

  2. Why is it Franklin the Turtle is the only one on that show with a first name? Why can snail talk but not the birds in the trees?    Man I gotta get out more.

  3. because its a cartoon and its a comedy.

  4. cause actions speak louder than words

  5. Because it's a cartoon and it isn't real.

    Do you think that wile E. Coyote can actually stand in the air and pause there before he falls?

  6. ask the editor its only a cartoon anyway its a fake &funny thing

  7. Cuz its funny. XD   And yeah, everyone can hear Brian, hes even had human girlfriends and stuff, lol. But Brian seems to be the only one who can completely understand Stewie.  

  8. because the dog is the smartest one in the family and the cartoon wants everyone to realize that.  the dog is all knowing and all seeing.


  9. its just 2 make people laugh  

  10. Brian is cool !

    he's the family's best friend.

    ask Stewie

  11. because he is supposed to be funny and stuff. i honestly dont know why but you have to admit he is funny

  12. What do you mean?  Can't all dogs talk?  :)

  13. Brian is a big part of Seth McFarlane's vision for the show. Family Guy wouldn't be nearly as good if he just barked and sat around the house all day like a regular dog. His intelligence and insight help balance out Peter's crudeness and naivety. Plus, his scenes and dialog with Stewie make for some of the best parts of the show in my opinion.

  14. Because it's a cartoon!  Brian is awesome! LOL

    Yes they did when Brian went back to try to visit him mom at the puppy farm.  Yes everyone can hear him.

  15. 'Cause it's a freakin' awesome show that's why!  Wish I had a talking dog . . .  

  16. Yes everyone can hear him, he was a homeless dog that Peter rescued from living on the streets.---On the other hand, Brian is actually the consistant, normal character in the show. He is a voice of reason and has his life in order. Most shows like Family Guy need a grounding character. For the Simpsons it's Marge, For Futurama it was Leela and for American Dad....well, see, that is the problem with American Dad--same creator but not as good as the original.

  17. Umm because a talking dog cant be in reality life,soooo they made a talking dog on cartoon "Family Guy"The funniest cartoon i ever watched.

  18. why not?  

  19. Because it adds to the show. Gives them another character to use. And why not, no one ever gets older, or chances, what the heck, why not a talking dog?

  20. all the characters need to be weigh by their personalities and it adds more the simpsons how marge and lisa are, its kind of hard to explain..

  21. yes they can all hear brian and understand him, its stewie they cant always hear and understand

  22. idk ask the homicidal infant

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