
Why does Fiostv have so much better picture quality than Cable, Dish Network and Directv?

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Is it that the picture quality on Fios is that good or the picture quality on Cable, Directv and Dish Network that bad? I've read that Cable, Dish Network and Directv RECOMPRESS the already compressed video they recieve from their source providers, and that Fiostv passes it through to the customer without adding any additional compression.

The thing I really don't get is if Fios has the best picture quality, then howcome everyone doesn't have it?




  1. I work for Comcast Cable. We use fiber optic cables, like Fios.

    They can transmit more information at a faster rate and they are cheaper to repair and maintain. Every service has its flaws.  

  2. First off, FIOS is brought to you by PROUD UNION workers. Secondly, yes comcast guy you may use fiber but FIOS brings it right to the point of contact at the customers location.  It is not split between the houses on the street or the entire neighborhood.  One line per customer.  They don't share their signal with anybody.

  3. I would love fios, but they don't offer it in my neck of the woods.

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