
Why does GWS appear to be the most censored section in Yahoo Answers?

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Why can't feminists accept criticism?

Why do they take everything so personally?




  1. Short answer: Because there are more sensitive reporters and trolls here.

    I don't understand why the reporting, thumbs-downing and blocking is so apparent here. I mean, GWS isn't all that different from the Wrestling section (in which I was a Top Contributor). The difference? The hate. The reporting. The blocking.

    I mean, in Wrestling, we could say the worst stuff (almost spoilt my record as one of the few teens here to keep gramatically correct civil language throughout) and get away with it. In GWS, you get violations for offending as much as a peanut. And it might not even be that you intended to offend the peanut, it just found some way to take offence and reported you.

    It is not just radfems who are spiteful, I can tell you that.

    I take nothing personally, and report only blatant cheating (Answers like "Be back later" to legit questions). I don't block, and never thumbs-down anyone I disagree with unless they personally insult and attack me, something sam seems to have made a hobby.

  2. As I have said before, it quite frankly takes the utter p*ss and reflects feminists' ignorance and lack of confidence in themselves:

    "The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen."  

    - Thomas Bolin Smothers, III

    Edit: Instead of watching paint dry, lets watch the thumbs go down on this one.

  3. Shanook is funny. I think it is the people on the extremes of each side that take everything so personally. I think the people in the middle, the true equalists and the gender nihilists, don't care or are more easy going.

  4. it's just the feminists, huh? yeah, ok. nice job taking responsibility!

  5. It doesn't appear that way to sane people.

    People in all the "hot button" categories of this site make the same complaint, and always about their side of issues (can't be true that there are posts still on this site,  AND that feminists and anti-feminists, conservatives, liberals, people who don't fit either category, believers, and atheists are ALL removed).

    Read the Guidelines.

    If you persist in violating them, then expect your posts to be removed, and you may be suspended or even banned from all Yahoo services.

    It's a lie that feminsits can't accept criticism. 80% of posts here criticize feminists; most are not removed.

    If I said that you should be made a slave and that you have no rights, and that you're a moron who's incapable of anything except menial tasts, would YOU take it personally?

    People who don't want us to take their posts personally shouldn't threaten and insult us; then we wouldn't take things personally.

  6. It does seem to be that way....but it isn't just the feminist...I wouldn't have lost several accounts.

    Dont see me whining about it.  continue business as usual and get over yourself, i got seven violations in my email yesterday.

  7. it's the dungeries haha! I quit womens studies due to personality clashes and the smell of BO in the room ;)

    I guess the inventor of de-oderant was a man!

  8. Deletions happen for no good reason on both sides but there isn't a lot we can do about it - and we have tried


    The Undertaker managed to get their ear (well done UT)

    However I have learned not to expect anything from Yahoo.

  9. As a feminist who has quite a lot of deletions from this section of YA I would say that feminists are not the only ones who are report happy (and of course you have not given us evidence that we are, so the jury is out on that one). I have never reported a regular contributor, even though I have found some of the questions pretty hard to stomach.

  10. Somestimes people say things just to start **** and try to get people riled up.  I find it funny that there are so many people who are obviously against promoting women's studies who lurk around this section.  If you're already against feminism and women's rights, why are you wasting your time in this section?  I'm not directing that at you, just the people who say stuff that's ignorant and sexist.  I personally haven't reported anybody because I believe in free speech, but there are quite a few occassions where I cringe at what people have said!  

    It's not just feminists who block things, most feminists (should) believe in free speech and equal right to an opinion.

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