
Why does Germany consistently have the greatest army the world has ever seen?

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Yes even in WW2




  1. to kill the Jews

  2. They have the worst armies of the 20th century, went 0-2 in the big ones and needed to be bailed out after world war II.  If you're talking about killing machines, you win, but I wouldn't consider the massacre of millions of Jewish people with no weapons a sign of greatness, more a sign of depravity, lack of soul and a serious breakdown of moral and ethics that is tantamount to that of sociopaths.

    Greatest army? No! Greatest sociopaths and psychopathss? Yes.

  3. are you kidding me?we had a german exchange student in high school and when i told him of my plans to join the Corps he talked smack about the "wonderful" bundeswehr, you REALLY dont know what you are talking about.

  4. Greatest?

    Against the weak France?

    Against the well train but few British?

    Against the Russian peasant Army?

    And against the US where they are fighting two fronts and where the elite part of the US military, the Marines are in the Pacific?

  5. they had a good organization and capable leaders. thats that maters.  

  6. German army during WWII was well trained, well armoured and motivated army. They were smart and brave soldiers. They believed n**i propaganda about priority of Aries.

    But BlietzKrig  in Russia  (1941) had no success. Hitler just forgot old axiom:"Russia is never as strong or as weak as it seems".

    German had to lead long lasting war against Red Army which became stronger.

    German made excellent weapon (Tiger) but it was very expensive and hard to produce. Russians produced T-34 cheaper and faster.  

    German allies was weak all that time. For example, Romanians and Italians near Stalingrad (1942-1943) - Russians passed through them as a knife through butter . Japan was in war with America.

    When German Army got weak too, the result of WWII became predictable. So USA and Britain decided to invade in Normandy  (1944) to bite out from winners pie.  

  7. Germany didn't fight alone, they had Japan, and Italy to take men off their front.  They did so well because they had an admittedly good army attack unprepared countries brilliantly. Once the allies had time to regroup, they pushed them back. You have to keep in mind that many of the mistakes that made their defeat so certain were caused by the "great" Germany themselves, most notably, attacking Russia. Before that it could still be considered up in the air, but after that, it was sealed. It is exactly that hubris that you so show that sealed their defeat, still feel proud?  They may have been a powerful army, but they obviously didn't know their limits, or didn't care (at least Hitler didn't). They certainly did not have the greatest army the world has ever seen, as their success rate was/ is not there to prove it. You are right that the Americans didn't beat Germany (alone), but then again, Germany didn't win, you have no right to state Germany is great as a fact.

  8. Not a fair statement. They keep fighting the French. Who couldn't look good doing that?

  9. the US, UK, Russia vs Germany, Japan, and Italy... the french and canadians barely did anything in the war and france surrendered after a week. other than that not really anyone else fought. the US took out italy and Japan ALONE! while the UK and Russia handled germany. what do u mean consistently? they were the world power for like 3 years....

  10. Not so true in WWII, eh?

  11. Huh,,, seems like the USA kicked german butt all the way back to Frankfurt, in WWII.

    And nowadays the American Military has the innovations, strength, funding and troops to do it all over again.

  12. Germany has a good army, but it doesn't have any nuclear weapons, so any other country with nuclear weapons (even Great Britain) could just swat the Germans off the face of the earth in a war.


  13. It took germany many years too prepare for war.They trained hard daily following orders, like the good little n**i's they where and lost.It took a lot of effort to beat the germans.

  14. Don't  let those little eyed people fool ya. The strongest army are the Japanese, Koren, and who knows the Vietnamese.  And be not fooled they are getting us in every way you're just not aware. They said they would and yes, they will Quietly.  Make sure your shrimp fried rice is what you think it is next time you go to the oriental restaurants.  And another thing their food isn't healthier than ours, they introduced us to msg .And now our children's toys have been tainted .  They're a  very organized group of people and they are smarter than we are.  Did you see the beginning of the Olympics?  Watch your back.

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