
Why does God hate the republican convention?

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He's all, like, sending hurricanes to distract us from it.

It's not fair!

It's almost as unfair as claiming discussing your family is bad then bringing them to every photo-op.




  1. God changes his party affiliation every decade or so. We should too.

  2. i dont think god cares about who wins the presidency so dont worry yourself

  3. "It's almost as unfair as claiming discussing your family is bad then bringing them to every photo-op."

    --It's how you discuss them that matters. The fact that Palin's daughter is pregnant is irrelevant. It in no way makes Palin a hypocrite.

  4. "He's all, like..."

    LMAO! mush be like 13...who the F talks like this anymore.....

    anywho...uhh...can you repeat the question.....?

  5. For the same reason he hates the Democratic convention: they are all a bunch of hypocrites who spout out the name of Jesus in order to win votes rather than serve the people.

  6. the libbes and demmies will blame the storms on Bush. they havent found anyone to blame for their ignorance.

  7. Well, I dont believe in god. but if I did I would say that he was a democrat.

  8. Because it's run by the same Occultists who run the Democratic party.

  9. LMAO - okay, your additional details here cracked me up.  Thanks for the afternoon laugh.  :)

    Are we sure it's God and not Gaia?  Perhaps it is our Earth Mother who wants us distracted and not getting all hooked into in the political games.  ;)

  10. Republicans claim to have god on their side because they have no one else backing them, except the rich and dispossessed.

    Nobody ever asks god what god thinks, imagine if that happened who would they claim had a plan then. So conveniently they claim it is also their plan. You have to ask yourself if they weren't in politics which asylum would they be in. Alaska is now off my travel plan.

  11. God works in mysterious ways. :)  

  12. Because the republicans have wrecked america's reputation. Its a sign- god votes Obama!

  13. I just went through Gustav and three years ago Katrina...don't think we in this region misunderstand your sentiment...we know liberals would love to see us all die and our community destroyed if it would just make the Republicans wrong somehow...and we also know who has been kind to us and it is not you...ask yourself why Jindal, a Republican has been chosen to take Blanco's place...

  14. And poor McCain even had to cancel Larry King.  Larry, who plays softball in most interviews!

    I guess they're thinking Republicans should be seen and not heard.

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