
Why does God let poor people's shoes wear out...?

by  |  earlier

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Instead of having mercy on their soles?




  1. Why don't you?

  2. *rimshot*

  3. lol clever.

  4. Perhaps, to give you a chance to tie their strings and prove to them, as you know that God does exist, or should they have to work themselves up to your level

  5. Such people are soleless but but soulless.  The whole Carmelite order was reformed by nuns and priests who were "discalced" that is shoeless.

  6. cute pun

    God expects them to work.  The Bible says if you don't work you don't eat.  The Bible also says that someone who doesn't provide for his family is worse than a heathen.

    Somepeople can't work due to age and physical limitations and the Bible makes provision for them.  But God expects the lazy to get off their butts and work.

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