
Why does God make some people die so young?

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I do believe in God and that everything happens for a reason (most of the time, hah), but I just can't imagine why innocent people die so young! :(




  1. Why does Betty Crocker make the best known chocolate cake on the planet?

  2. yeah i believe in it too

    i belive in destiny and fate too

    a few months ago a guy named sako died

    he was too yonug...probably 19

    he was a bbal coach, he went to dance classes and he was a perfect gentlemen. he was my cousins friend and in my dance place.

    everyone in my city knew him and loved him

    and he died by driving into a tree

    it was really sad and everyone tlked about it

    i believe his death made every yonug "thinks hes cool" guys in our city scared. i mean, everyone thinks "im gona drivr fast nothing will ever happen to me" yah right. people started driving safer and everyhting. his death made everyone realize that they are causing toruble and that it can happen to them

    so i think god makes people die young as a sign. or a moral, meaning

    drive safely

    anyways i hope i helped

    it was really sad but my cousin drove safer

  3. When do you pick a flower? When it is budding, blooming, or withering? God decides these things and all I can say is He knows what He is doing.

  4. Because it pleases him.

  5. because god does not exist.  Dying is part of life.

  6. Maybe that is the way the thing was intended to happen from the bi ginning and you just aren't fully aware of how the whole big picture works out in the end.

  7. i protest again.

    God doesnt always cause people to die!

    that choice is made by Other Free will choices of people

    Satan makes those choice and devil worshipper have their freedom to choose also.

    what God does is Sometimes is to intervene.

    but sometimes he allows it to happen and he will receive the person or persons. Death is not always the worst plan of salvation.

    sometimes extending life can be worse than letting death happen.

    i have heard that some people who die young from disease are actually poisoned through conspiracy. disease is often not an accident but it is a sure deniability.

  8. Maybe to tell you that He deserves more of your attention than someone you spend with. But thats also more for Heaven.

  9. They die for the reasons that they died, no god needed for that conclusion.

    Same as why some babies die, children die, old people die.

  10. One of the key lessons of the Book of Job is that bad things happen to good people, and there's nothing we can do about it.  Since the mind of God is beyond human understanding attempting to understand is pointless.  If you believe in a God that controls all things, you just have to take it on faith that, whether you know what the reasons are or not, the reasons are good ones, and take comfort in that.

    Being Pagan I believe that one of things that the Gods included in the Multiverse was an element of chance, Chaos if you will, and that sometimes things happen due to simple bad luck.  

  11. There are no 'gods'.

    S**t happens.


  12. God doesn't make people die.

    Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, since the “young children” are sharers of blood and flesh, he also similarly partook of the same things, that through his death he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil; 15 and [that] he might emancipate all those who for fear of death were subject to slavery all through their lives.

    It started with the rebellion lead by the Devil in the Garden of Eden. Our parents, Adam and Eve followed that same course and we are living with the imperfections of sin. That is why David said of himself:

    5 Look! With error I was brought forth with birth pains,

    And in sin my mother conceived me.

    After the judgment, Eve had her (and for the rest of her daugthers) birth pains increased. David acknowleged that he carried the same sin that all humans have.

    We are defective, we grow old and die. And because of this sin, young ones die, even those little babies are born with broken systems that fail them.

    All goes back to the Devil, and that is why Jesus refers to him as a manslayer.

    Then add to that a world where life is worth less and less each day.

    The mother who microwaved her baby to death so that her boy friend won't find out the child was another man's child.

    The little girl who was playing with her grandmother and came and told her she had found a "doll". When the grandmother went to check, it was an abandoned new-born.

    Five young women in Pakistan buried alive for wanting to choose their husbands.

    This world reflects its god's attitude toward human life.

    2 Corinthians 4:3 If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

    So, when someone tells you that God "picked" a flower to explain why a child or young person died, YOU will know that is a bald-faced lie.

  13. People die because of chance, not because God wants it that way. People think that God is making all these things happen. Well, if God were like that, I wouldn't like Him either.

    The God I worship is not in control of who lives and who dies. I believe that we were placed here to be free agents. In order for us to be free, we must live in a free universe. For it to be free, it must be random in producing good or ill for any given person.

    We have some lessons to learn here. If the universe were not free (random) we would not have the freedom we need to accomplish our tasks here.

    However, remember that the innocent who dies young goes that much sooner to a better place. Perhaps they had accomplished what they needed, who knows??

  14. because he is twisted


  15. God does not make people die. God wishes none should parish.

    People die young for many reasons. Everyone of us has an appointed time to live and a appointed time to die. Some people only have a few years to help other with a Karmic debt. Some only come into this world briefly to have that experience. The spirit of a person does not come into a body until the third trimester. From that time the spirit walks in and out of the body. The future is seem by the spirit but not too far into it. If the spirit finds that it's life  will not be beneficial of a detriment to it's highest good, the spirit will walk out of that body for good. This is why there are some miscarriages besides physical reasons. Upon birth, the soul is formed. shortly after birth, there may be some unforeseen reason to leave the body. This is why there are crib deaths.

    There is a reason for everything. Only God know the whole picture.

    When a person is between birth and age 18, they develop and have brought all their gifts and issues with them. Young people die sometimes because they know better but use their free will to change the original plan and do things that they know they should not. Things like doing drugs and drinking are a major cause of early deaths.

    Rev. TomCat

  16. Well this is one of the reasons I'm an atheist.  If murder is against the 10 commandments, why would a god do it so much?  Isn't that genocide?

  17. A 4 yr old boy in our church passed away in June...he was perfectly healthy, but drowned in a family friend's pool. It seemed so senseless, and it's been very hard to cope with, but we've all just tried to trust God and realize that we don't have the answers sometimes. :(

  18. god doesn't exist and life just sucks.

  19. It is just their time to go.

    Everybody has one, and we can't really explain it!

    Bless you:)

  20. I've often wondered about this myself.

    I believe in god too, but I know I feel really sad whenever I think about how young innocent people sometimes die (from disease, murder, etc.)

    But I don't think God makes them die.

    God doesn't make someone kill another person.

    And he doesn't make someone get cancer (atleast, I don't believe he does).

    Sometimes things happen...

    That's the best I can try to explain.

  21. I imagine there are millions of people who wish they had died young.  

  22. REV 10:7     But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

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