
Why does God use simple, weak things to accomplish His mighty purpose?

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For example, when God asked "What do you have in your hand?"

Moses said, "A rod", and later he used the rod to bring about God's miracles.

Samson used the jawbone of a donkey, and killed a thousand Philistine enemies.

David knocked down the mighty giant Goliath with a sling and a smooth stone.

King Jehoshaphat and his armies sang a one-line song to worship the Lord, and all their enemies were soundly defeated by the time they reached the battlefield, without lifting a finger.

Can you think of any more examples? How about in your own life?




  1. To prove he is God.

    He chose Israel, a country about the size of New Jersey.

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho by marching.

    He does not need a lot just someone who is willing. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed God will do the rest. He has a way with taking the small and not so great things and making great things happen. Has to be God.

  2. Look how God feeds His prophet! BIRDS

    1 Kings 17:2-6; Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying, "Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there". So he went and did according to the word of the LORD, for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook.

  3. And the simplest thing of all is the road to salvation. More on my bio.

  4. It is for His Glory - so that Man cannot boast that it was his own strength that did it.

  5. David was just a kid when he killed Goliath, and God repeats the same scenario of small things doing mighty works. God does this to show how powerful He is.

    This goes to show you that you are never to small or unimportant to God. You can't do anything with God, but God can do everything.

  6. Another example: when Gideon was gathering an army to fight Israel's enemies, God continually whittled down their numbers, instructing Gideon to send them home, until what remained was an army only a tiny fraction of the size of the opposition. Yet they won.

  7. God was a p***y?

  8. Who wrote these stories in the Bible?

    And to what end?


  9. Because the humble are his chosen ones, not the proud.  The humble use simple things that others would suspect.  

    "but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong."  I Cor. 1:27

    ....that no man may boast before God. v. 29.

  10. Answer: God wants all men to see clearly that God and God only has the power to accomplish His Mighty Purpose.

    If God used a strong and powerful instrument, people would  have a basis to deny that God had accomplished it through His Mighty Power and no credit or Glory should/could be given to the instrument (man or other objects).

    God tells us that He is a Jealous God and we are to have no other gods before Him (Jehovah God).

  11. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    the king which mocked the prophet Ibrahim ,and said what your god do?the prophet replied my get make people alive and make them die ,the king said that he also do , and prophet said my god bring the sun from the east  , make it come from the west; then this king couldn't reply ; this king the God make a fly enter his nose and didn't get out , created a huge pain and noisy in his head and it wasn't stop till he hit his head by slippers till he died.

    also this small fly was who destroyed all the big army when carried Cholera to their water ,isn't the cholera weaker than the fly ,it is invisible ,it is also die by small heat.

    Avoid the h**l ,by a smile in the face of your brother.

    we shouldn't neglect anything whatever we see it small , it may means a great thing with the god.

    remember also that this big mountains are in nature dust stand beside each other.

  12. Humility  

    God values it.  A lot.  


  14. the things that are mentioned in the Bible are just literary works dude

    most of them have no actual proof

    you shouldnt read the bible literally, they are just figures of speech and some beautiful tales about some God whose purpose is to control the human's nature to think of himself as superior and to be an arrogant and overconfident lunatic, to maintain ethics and morality for optimum human interaction (unless people have different religions), and to provide people a false hope so that they would have a reason not to quit and go on with their lives

  15.      To understand why God uses the weak things of the world, you have to understand Gods final work and who shall inherit the earth.   The meek, shall inherit the earth.

         Example:  My own life.  I am a nobody.  Yet, I'm being taught by the spirit.  Not by the schools or of the churches of the world about the meaning of the scriptures.  Yet, my interpretation of the scriptures through the spirit has taught me truths, which are not taught in Bible colleges or schools of the world.  Why?  Because,  what I'v'e learned through God is opposite of what man teaches of the scriptures.

         Truth:  I know all baptizims of water are wrong in the eyes of God.  Yet, try to tell a pastor, preacher or anyone who is a church member in any church in the world, and they will say, that I'm wrong.

         The only baptisam, God sees, is by his Son, Jesus Christ, who baptizes with the Holy Ghost, which man says, you can only recieve by the laying on of hands.   Wrong.

         I was baptised with the Holy Ghost, before I was ever baptised in water.  Yet it took me years to understand this and since I've left the churches of man, have learned even more than any pastor or preacher on earth, yet, no one will listen or believe me, because, I have no degree, and I belong to no known church now.

         Also, tithings are not accepted by God, all God desires from us is to believe in him and to come to him with a contrite spirit and a broken heart, for all the money in the world can not save your soul, but it will make some false prophet rich.

         What has any of this have to do with your question?  God is preparing this world for his sons wedding.  He's teaching a people unto himself, who shall survive the day of the Lord.  All evil shall be removed and his people shall be called the New Jersualem.

          All of these accomplishments will happen within the next 20 years or sooner, but worldly men and religious leaders don't believe this is going to happen for many more hundreds of years down the road.  Wrong.   America is about to feel Gods wrath, but at this time everything is blamed on Global Warming.

          Since I am nobody in the world and one of Gods weakest saints, no one will believe me and think I'm crazy.  Yet after the coming of Christ, things shall be reversed.  What is first shall be last and what is last shall be first, in all things.  The evil is about to disappear, and as I said in the beginning of this question.   The meek are about to inherit the earth.  A people who can work and live amongst Angels.


  16. If history says anything about God, it's that he has an acute sense of irony.

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