
Why does God want us to praise him?

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Im not question my faith, its just why does he want us to praise him?




  1. he wants to see that his creation acknowledges their creator, meditates on him, follows his commandments and laws, and praise him day and night for all the gifts (oxygen, plants, our eyes, our brains, our internal organs, etc etc) that he had given us.

    he wants us to be thankful, for all the favors he had done for us (you simply BEING. You simply existing. that's a favor from your creator), and if you are thankful to your creator then he will show the utmost mercy on your soul when your physical body stops working, and when your spiritual body ascends back to him.

  2. Salam for you my dear friend Allah wanted us to praise only to Allah because Allah is our Greatest Creator.In the Qur'an Allah instructed all of Allah creations to bow down to Allah and to Adam and Eve.Angels and jinns bow down,but iblises or satans (bad jinns) did not to bow down.Allah asked satans its reason.Satans told Allah that they were more honourable than humans,because they were created from fire while Adam was only from soil. Satans were conceit Allah hates arrogancy.Allah wanted to be worshipped by all creatures including humans because Allah has intention to create them for devouting their lives just only to Allah.We must surrender our lives and asking for help to Allah only.It means that we love Allah so Allah will love us too.

    So praising Allah is our needs because we want to be loved,helped and saved by Allah.Qur'an is the life guide given by Allah which should be understood and practised by us in our daily life if we want goodness in the life on this earth and in the life after death and be freed from h**l's punishment.

  3. Because He is Allah The Almighty, The Lord of the Worlds!

    Its us who need to worship Him, He's not the one who want sinners like us to worship Him or does He care. He created us for our own good, not for His pleasure, and for His creatures to get to know Him. All of this is in Qur'an bro, u just gotta read!

  4. because of your own good !  that is Salvation !!

  5. because He is the one who created everything !  

  6. Well, he has given us everything, hasn't he? It's the least we could do.

  7. Because it's what He gave us life for.  But to answer your question specifically, I guess for us to show love, loyalty, faith and acknowledgment.

  8. so tat he would kno you believe in him??

    I dont know

  9. Chef from South Park said it best:

    Well, look at it this way! If you want to make a baby cry, first you give it a lollipop. Then you take it away! If you never give it a lollipop to begin with, it would have nothing to cry about! That's like God, who gives us life and love and health, just so that he can tear it all away and make us cry. So he can drink the sweet milk of our tears! You see, it's our tears, Stan, that give God his great power.

  10. Hes insecure and needs constant attention

  11. simple reason!

    hez r GOD! HELLO!

  12. A person who praises has a happy, grateful heart.  God wants us to have that kind of heart.  Of course He deserves all our praise for his goodness to us, but he also wants us to be happy.  We should get into that habit by praising daily.

  13. To praise Lord is part of very nature and to full our nature is very purpose of our life.

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