
Why does Gordon Brown let the script writers from Dad's Army give him his policies?

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Taking knife offenders to meet their victms - who dreamed this one up!




  1. Yeah I know what you mean....what next??? They will probably give people a light tap on the wrist for anti social behaviour next......oh no, that's right, they've already done that!

  2. More like the scriptwriters of Frank Spencer.

  3. What is happening is that we are seeing the last gasp of the New Labour govt. Like the end of the Roman Empire, things are descending into farce. GB Inc., is going down the tube and Gordy is indulging in a monologue about Zimbabwe and some place called Afghanistan, trying to project an image of a world leader influencing things on the world stage. He doesn't seem to realise that no one is listening to his monologue and his audience have left the room, leaving only his sycophantic cabinet round him. He should have trusted his own initial resolve to be different from Bliar, but he lost his nerves and called in the spin brigade. Now they are dictating his moves and that's the result.

    New Labour only resulted in a new kind of sleaze. Many Whitehall Mandarins and their friends have managed to enrich themselves under Labour. Ex-ministers (including the prime one) have also done well out of govt by tapping into their erstwhile connections and contacts. Do you think they really care about the nation?

  4. Jacqui Smith I believe, isn`t she the one that said last week "There is no increase in knife crime" ?

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