
Why does Gordon Brown want to give out honours to our Olympic athletes and yet ignores our troups?

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They risk getting killed every day vs someone who is good riding at bike in circles, who would you give a medal to?




  1. The government (and in no way my) response to this is that the army are doing the job that they are paid to do.

    If the Prime minister wasn't struggling so much in the polls, then it would be a different story. Seeing as he is, it's better to forget about the war and sugar coat the papers with heroes that train all their life so they can get a kids bike and jump around a dirt track.

    He is only interested in votes at the moment, and war doesn't win them. My brother was in the army for 10 years and he got a pair of ashtrays with his regiment on them to show for it- he doesn't even smoke. I don't think medals are what the army needs, however. Just half decent sleeping conditions and food should be a given, but if it means not getting a medal for their services to get these things, then I think they would settle for that.

  2. Because these politicians are daft and just want to ride the bandwagon effect.

  3. I guess it's part of the government's attempts to make the country feel good, ie highlight the things that brighten our days and try to hide the things that darken them.

    But I agree, all our serving troops deserve better pay and conditions, never mind OBEs and the like.

  4. Good question!!  I'd say because the Gov. wants to focus us on a success story (didn't we do well!) and keep us away from the disaster that is Iraq et al.

    But I would like to say that people who go into the Army know what the risks are going to be (or should do), just like with any other job, although they don't have much choice about where they are sent do they.  Also don't soldiers receive medals when they return from a campaign?

  5. The sad git wants to bask in their glory. He would rather be seen glad handing successful athletes then be consoling soldiers with missing limbs and broken spirits.

    He had the nerve to go to Iraq (Afghanistan) earlier this week and declare how the soldiers there should receive gold medals. Have you ever heard anything quite so patronising and opportunistic?

    If a soldier did get a medal, i'm sure they'd smelt it into bullets. .

    Sadly, this particular GB is just another typical self serving politician.  

  6. The 'war on terrorism' in Iraq and Aghanistan is a complete failure - militarily, politically and PR wise.  Politicians - who are the people who took us into these wars - do not want the country to focus on their failures - they may at least be able to claim some sort of association with the athletes winning medals since they can point to having set up the lottery to fund thses very sporting enterprises.

    Frankly the troops have been used and abused in both Iraq and Afghanistan - they were sent there primarily to restore oil contracts - whilst the oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank the general public and the armed services are aware of the human price paid for this profiteering both in the loss of military lives and the loss of civilian lives - look at the news this morning - 78 civilians killed in an afghanistan atrocity which should make us all angry - this atrocity was committed in our name - by those we elect.  

    Time I think to re-think who our political masters are.  

  7. While I believe they have done well and deserve acknowledgement, this is typical of this government's fascination with "celebrity".

    Sing a few good songs, or score a couple of goals and make £millions and they worship you like a god whilst ignoring those that quietly go about their business helping thousands.

  8. I suppose a simple answer is that troops joined up because they were being paid for it and that athletes do it without pay. Why should someone be honoured just for doing their job. There are plenty of jobs that nobody else wants to do, but does this deserve an honour. I was an undertaker once, but nobody gave me an OBE. The military has it's own honours system called medals.

    British athletes have excelled this year and looking forward to London 2012 gives us a real hope that sport in this country is taking a higher position. I suspect the Government will claim that this is because of their investment in it in the last decade.

  9. It's called the feel good factor.

    How the feck Brown can stand in front of our troops in Afghanistan and compare them to athletes is beyond belief.

    In my town we have lost 3 young men in the last 12 months KIA with no recognition from the Council. An athlete wins 2 medals and she's getting a civic reception, an open top bus ride, a sports centre named after her and being described as a local hero. What a total fecking joke!!!!!

    It all makes me want to fecking puke!!

  10. I have said on Answers many times that Labour Governments have no enthusiasm over our service people. Brown thinks of course that by promising more money to our athletes he can pick up 'brownie points' voter wise. Most people now know what this shambles of a government is and Brown is the biggest example incompetence of all.

  11. Very good question.

    What about people who do loads of voluntary work and most do not get so much as a "Thank you"

    I think children who are carers for their parents deserve the Gold medals

  12. Couldn`t come up with an answer better than one shot, so i`ll go with his post, give him the 10!

  13. I agree with one shot, all though I an proud of our athletes in their Olympic success, why is it, there is very little said about the sacrifices that many of our young soldiers make in defending our freedom.

    Without there dedication to duty and willingness to fight on our behalf, there would very little chance of any of our sporting stars wining anything.

    I may watch and cheer our sporting hero's on TV, but I would never be prepared to hand out Honor's and stand on a street corner and give them a standing ovation, that and my gratitude belongs to our fighting Men and Women who ever they are, where ever they may be.  

  14. Lets be honest!Gordon Brown is on his 'last legs' as Prime minister of Great Britain!Every one knows that except him!He is what is known in political circles as an Ostrich political leader!One who has his head buried in the sands of incompetence and unsound judgement!By that I mean!Going back on his word to give the British electorate a mandate in the proper running of the country!

    The Labour Conference will prove what his colleagues really think of him!

    I do not know how Brown has the nerve to be associated with those talented athletes!It is like!The failure of all time (Brown) associated with those honest talented sportsmen and women!

    What desperate politicians will get up to stay in office!Never ceases to amaze me!

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