
Why does Gore pretend to care about global warming?

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I mean, it's almost a joke at this point - he keeps getting accolades for work others are researching, and some of the thoeries are quite unbelievable. Thoughts any1?




  1. what do you mean "some of the thoeries are quite un beliveable" I would like some examples and How would you know he IS pretending? have anything to back this up and convince me?

  2. Basically, the problem with Gore is, he obviously doesn't really believe in global warming, he flies everywhere, rides in a limo, and has the least energy efficient house you could imagine. He then uses the argument that its ok, because he is rich and purchases carbon offsets, code for: rich people don't have to follow the rules, but the rest of us should.

  3. Because he's a hypocrite.

    But really, a notorious liar who speaks the truth does not make the truth a lie.

  4. what do men with power want......?           A : more power !!!

  5. i dont think he's pretending.

    i mean, there are always people who have opposite views as him so people think that he is.

    personally, i think that he's trying to alert people to the growing problem

  6. Gore is not being praised for the scientific work. He is being praised for having the courage to use his talents and position to raise peoples awarness and make reliable information available to educate people.

    And I do mean courage-given the extent to which the paid liars that work for the oil companiss and other special interests have tried to smear him and who now whine because their lies haven't worked and he is receiving accolades for his efforts.

  7. he cares cuz he invented global warming by inventing the internet some years back

  8. Money, fame. I shook up the world , as Muhammad Ali would say.

  9. because it makes him look 'good'.

  10. all about the money!  and to get his face on T.V. anytime he can!!!

  11. 2012 election.

  12. I'd say Gore isn't too far from the truth.  Maybe you should do some researching on Global Warming.

    I don't think you have the right to judge someone's intentions, this is a silly question.

  13. global warming is a shitload of bullcrap i mean serioulsy **** tree hugers even is it is true who gives a **** none of us will be around when it happens...

  14. because he is getting rich beyond even the dumbest comprehension of reality.....

  15. psh because he didnt make president and he needs to do something in his spare time to make little children think the world is coming to the end.

    He exaggerates wayyyyy too much.

    and when he tells us that we are killing polar bears

    hes getting into his stretch limo that will go to the airport so he can ride his jumbo jet to the next city.

  16. the funniest thing about this whole issue is that global warming is a fact of life ,if it weren't for the warming effect we would probably be facing another ice age by now.

    bear with me on this one for a moment.

    lets say for instance it gets cold outside ,we turn on our heaters and make heat,we might burn coal or wood,we might use gas we may use fuel oil,or we might even use electricity,in any event we are going to at some point add heat to the atmosphere.even if our electricity is wind or hydro powered ,we will still heat our space and no matter how well insulated our house is,that heat is going to escape eventually.

    now lets say that it gets hot,what will we do ,well if we have the wherewithall we will cool our space,and how do we do that.with conventional air conditioning we will compress a gas into its liquid form ,producing heat ,then we will cool the heated compressed liquid with a fan releasing the heat into the atmosphere,then we will allow the liquid to decompress  back into gas thereby making the cool air coming out of the unit.the net result is heat from the unit escaping to the atmosphere and the power to generate the electricity to run the unit creates even more heat .whether its coal fired ,nuclear,or even hydro,the process of making the electricity ,creates heat.

    now lets say we go for a drive.since we don't want to spew greenhouse gasses everywhere,our car is equipped with a catalytic converter ,only problem is these things run at tens of thousands of degrees f. in order to compleatly burn the co

    into co2 and water ,(more about water and motor fuel next time)and if we turn on the a/c we do the whole gas ,liquid ,gas thing again,and at the same time we're blowing exess heat away from the engine via the radiator by the cooling fan.and even if not we have the heat from the cooling system ,the manifolds and the exhaust system.need i go on.

    probably not ,if it weren't for 2 billion bike riding chinese that thanks to the u.s. will soon be driving .

  17. Go to you tube and type in CFR. Gore is a globalist. It is all about the Benjamins.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...

  18. Cause it's the only way he can make himself intelligent

  19. It is better than a fast car or a mistress, I suppose.

  20. because he's got nothing to do now that he isn't runnong for president (cause he knows he's gonna lose!).

    It's all a bunch of bulls***. he wants the publicity.

  21. He's making a colossal payday from it.

  22. I personally believe the whole GLobal Warming thing to be overblown. But Gore wants attention, and maybe he feels he is doing something good. So why not help the people starving in third world countries???? It is a mystery.

  23. Because useless retired politicians need a hobby, and one that keeps him in money at the expense of hysterical left-wing morons who think that natural cycles of the sun are somehow caused by SUV-driving Conservatives is the best kind of hobby to have.

    Yes, it's true: the sun is going through a normal, predictable warming cycle which is warming up all the planets in our solar system. Are there SUV-driving Martians causing global warming on all the other planets? Because it's been proven that it's not just our little Earth that's warming up.

    Chew on that one for awhile, tree-huggers...

  24. Because he likes making MONEY....................nothing else.  It is ALL about the money for him.

  25. why politicize global warming?

  26. At least he did something to support the effort. Not sit around on the computer and barrell insults at his foes.

  27. I believe Al Gore cares deeply about the country, the environment, and our future.  I really do.  I also believe he is quite crazed.

  28. he wants attention, and so far it's working.

  29. He lost the election so he just wants attention thats pretty much it. 90% of what he says in that stupid movie he did are all lies made up just to promote the "green" companys. think about it thats probably why hes probably getting paid ALOT of money from all these companys that make hybrid engines and stuff just so they can get their product on the market and make people think its important.

  30. He does it so he can have a little fame before he gets to old and fatter. haha

  31. Plain and simple it's all about the GREEN and I'm not talking about trees. Money - pork money, federal grants, bogus funding to resolve something that will work itself out and then he will be called a genius for fixing the internet... I mean the ice and trees.

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