
Why does Governor Corzine of New Jersey want to cut peoples pension funds?

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Why does Governor Corzine of New Jersey want to cut peoples pension funds but has no problem having taxpayers foot the bill (over 55,000 dollars) to support an e mail suit regarding his ex girlfriend? Hes atrocious




  1. Because he does not have a money problem himself, he has millions of his own and he's a liberal democrat. Starting to get the picture yet?

  2. You guys voted him in.  Now....hahahahahahahaha

  3. Like many in government there is a reluctance to upgrade knowledge and thinking on effective accounting and management of public human and material resources.  Complete overhaul of the tendency to re-tax to over collect taxes to compensate for waste and improper accountability.

    A simpler single real estate tax system would correct most if not all revenue waste programs.  Failure to unravel a history of re-tax solutions compounds errors until there is this corrupt tendency to tamper with fiduciary trusts.  

    This is not a Democrat or Republican history of errors.  It is a bi partisan history.  Blame obviates a lack of or inept willingness to address the real issues. We need to get beyond partisan blame.  Then we may better tackle the challenge(s) fiscal responsibility.

  4. The North East needs to go to rehab and get over voting for Liberal's who do nothing but enslave the people further into a dependency system.

  5. Because he can. Politicians are no longer accountble to the American people. Bill Clinton sold atomic secrets to Red China and George Bush killed 3000 Americans on 9/11. Bill Clinton survived impeachment over a nonsequential extramarital affair and George King Bush will finish his term smelling like a rose.

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