
Why does Great Britain need a queen/royal family?i am prepared for name calling and stuff like that.but i am?

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really the year 2008,why does any country need a royal family?aren't they just humans like the rest of us?




  1. How is your life going to improve if they are removed? What difference will it make to England if you no longer have a royal family. If you are removed from your house and country I have no doubt no one will notice. I am sure England will definitely notice and regret if your royal family is removed.

  2. Why should anybody call you anything when you speak the truth. They are nothing but a bunch of parasites !

  3. Money from tourisim, personally I don't support the monarchy.

  4. They are reflections of our family names. Our respective ancestors fought wars and took oaths to decide the MOnarch. They are a reflection of those deeds and that history.

    They bring in 4p for every penny they spend btw. And the idea that they are superior is an old one that I don't think many believe. We are equal, she is just Head of State. I am a proud Monarchist, and I don't consider myself second class.

    Anyway, 80% of us want her to stay, so doing getting rid of the Monarchy would unavoidably undemocratic.

  5. in theory you could ask that about any other constitutional Monarchy  that stilll exist around the world yet they stil have them maybe in way its better form of government , with the Head of State being removed form politics and also its a case of one upmanship with the all the republics

  6. The Royal Family are a waste of space and a drain on the country.

    Many say they are independently wealthy but where did the money come from. The British people that's who.

  7. well consider the royal family doesn't have much political power as they used to I think no.  I think they still need a government of some kind, but it doesn't have to include a "royal family."

  8. We don't.

  9. of course they're 'human' the issue is what would they be replaced with?   I for one certainly don't relish the idea of  a President Blair posturing about waving from the turrets.  

    It's all well and good to call for the abolishment of something, but you have to have a plan B, a neutral faction to replace them with, what would that be?

  10. England gets more from the Royals than it costs them to maintain them.

    The Royals give England a prestige on the world stage that they would not otherwise enjoy - The Queen's advice is well-considered and when she talks, people listen.

    Plus there's the tourist trade and the link back 1500 years that comes along for the ride.

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