
Why does Greece have such crappy roads?

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Ok i know there are some wide and modern roads in many urban areas, but there are MANY roads that are so narrow and steep. And in many small cities, the pedestrian blocks are so narrow, it only has width for one person to walk by. It is aesthetically and practically displeasing. What do you think ?




  1. The roads in major cities have been greatly improved.

    The new Egnatia avenue is connecting many Northern cities and travel time has been minimized by hours.Take Kozani-Thessaloniki for instance, or Kastoria-Thessaloniki.

    As anything, building new roads takes money, (alot of money) ,planning and time.

    But I believe Greece is on the way to rebuilding and renewing herself.

    Actually, I have bigger problem with the Greek drivers more than the roads in Greece. They drive erratically and are obnoxious.

    They will rarely stop for pedestrians and is something to be looked at next by the lawmakers.

  2. they'll fix it one day...i remember my dad driving us down to this place i forgot the name but my dad was getting anxious cuz the roads where so buzy and he just kept going straight all the way and it was a HUGE hill going down wards i thought i was gonna die. cars where coming out of no where straight in front of was the best roller coaster i been on tho lol

  3. Greece is famous for lazyness and unorganisation.

    That's why Greece has crappy roads.

    Before moving by my own to srudy I used to live to Zakynthos where the roads are sh*t.

    and...come on is one of the most visited islands.

    Is so bad to see this situation but the unorganization is something that wont change in Greece

  4. I think it is because when those roads were built, no one had any idea that one day everyone would have cars.

    Also, where the roads must be widened, people must sell their houses to the state...and they don't want to!

    Can't blame them really, they wouldn't get a decent price anyway.

    Before I left Greece, Evagelatos had a show on this topic. Because roadworks are being auctioned off to the person who will do it the cheapest way, horrific short cuts are being taken, and money ends up in people's pockets instead of on the roads.

  5. Because of the lack of $$$$$$$.  Plenty of money for Bouzouki, skiladika, and souvlaki but no money for roads.

  6. due to the economic situation

  7. Having been born in could imagine the shock and horror i got from the greek roads apart from the you could imagine the roads here are wider and more clenear but above all they are manitained to a suitable i was in PIREAUS.with my dad for the first time in my life well 2 things happed that i was shocked and amazed that a full blown ***** african guy spoke excellent greek to me i was gobsmocked.the other thing was my dad asked me how do you like PIREAUS so far i honeslty said to him i love it very has character and alot of rich histroy here and the buildings are very authentic... but i said dad why dont they do regular upgrade..they are in disarreaall they need is a clean up and minor repairs .. just then i tripped over a exposed plaka on the foot path..and i looked down..and said .yeah and all the roads need pathing upp too..then my dad said to me.(O DIMAPXOS den exi lefta san exoun stin australia.) so there you have your answer the town councils dont collect enough money for the up keep so it an inderfrence to the locals  they  dont want to give any more taxes  than nesseraay.and as a famous austrain generaly once said well we have the men to win the fight but we will lose the war..with out any money..and thats what happed they lost to need money to maintain any thing..but all this happend in 82...i assuming that things have improved a bit more since then????????

  8. well taxes take care of roads and signs, so eventually taxes will go up and we will have better roads, i like them the way they are tho, b/c they r fun, lol    and b/c its so hilly and mountainous, thats another reason its so steep and narrow but yeah, greece is fine the way it is and is very beautiful!!!!

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