
Why does Guinness taste so much better in Ireland than it does anywhere else-does it not travel very well?

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Why does Guinness taste so much better in Ireland than it does anywhere else-does it not travel very well?




  1. i think that is mostly in people's heads...the charisma is half of the experience for some.

    however, bars in ireland do have regular guinness maintenance- their taps are tested and maintained really frequently- so it could be the simple fact that the taps are in better shape.

    i've had some pretty bad guinness in ireland, as well as lovely pints here in the states, so i stand firmly with the aura/charisma theory.

  2. It's the craic

  3. The answer is simply how clean the lines (from keg to tap) are. If you go into a pub (whether in Ireland or elsewhere) and there are lots of people drinking Guinness, it should be fine - the lines are being regularly used. If you are the first to order one that day, they should pour out the first 3-4pints which have been sitting in the lines overnight. A good pint in ireland is exactly the same as a good pint anywhere else in the world (taking out psychological effects), the difference is that you are far less likely in Ireland to find a pub not serving Guinness regularly so are far less likely to get a "bad" pint. The same goes for larger, cider etc. The golden rule when going into a new pub is to drink what the locals are drinking as that will be freshest (and probably cheapest!).

  4. I suspect freshness is the issue. My husband and i found the same problem with Heineken- it was phenomenally better in Germany (imported from Holland) than it is here in the U.S.

    You wouldn't think an extra week or two in transit would be that big a deal, but it really isn't the same when it's not absolutely fresh.

  5. it tastes great here because

    (1)it is irish made

    (2)the atmosphere here rocks!!!!

  6. oi reckon its de air dat does it dat it does. oither dat orrr da fact dat you drink more of the fekin stuff wen ur over dare!!

    Not a fu*in clue mate, soz

  7. I have never had a decent pint of guinness out of Ireland. I have had c**p pints here but, in my opinion, it just doesn't travel well.

    It is brewed in other countries like Nigeria for example but I think it is slightly different there. In fact, I think Nigera has the largest Guinness production plant in the world.

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