
Why does Hillary Clinton continue to accept donations from Federal PAC's and Federal lobbyists ?

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John Edwards and Barack Obama refuse to accept

donations from Federal PAC's and Federal lobbyists .




  1. because she is a leach and a socialist to boot she will eventually if given enough rope hang as all with it...

  2. Because she's bought and paid for.

  3. Why do you think people get into politics? Besides power, it's  MONEY!!!

  4. well its still legal and it is also time for real campaign reform

    1. u can only donate to people u can vote for

    2. no pac's, corporate, lobbyist, or foreign donations

    3. must be us citizen to vote

    4. unlimited donations but public list of the donors and how much they have given

    5. 6 month campaign cycle

    6. no matching federal funds

    7. no donations to political parties, the politicians can give a part of there raised funds to their own parties ( cause you cant vote for parties, but for people.)

  5. for the same reasons repubs do,both parties are corrupt.

  6. One might say she has a smaller donor base and this maybe a way she can raise significant money.  You should ask her.

  7. Let me ask you this, if someone gave you money would you take it??????

  8. she will take money from a snake if it helps her to get to the White House...

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