
Why does Hillary Clinton want to end No Child Behind?

by Guest61802  |  earlier

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Im doing a debate on Hillary Clinton and her view on Education, I am having a hard time with this because i have never researched anything political. I need hellp with agrument examples , statistics and prove why Hillarys view are good.




  1. no child left behind sucks

    it ruined our school

    we get taught nothing

    we are taught how to pass the Alabama High School Graduation Exams and thats it

    we don't learn about normal   history we learn about the stuff on exams which is about pilgrims and stuff

  2. Because No Child Left Behind is a disaster.  Instead of learning in school, now they are training to pass standardized tests all year.

  3. Because it made Neil Bush rich and left the kids behind.

  4. she wants to put in a different education system altogether. she is pushing for more funding for it, better teacher education, better healthcare and nutrition for the low-income children, and she wants to start public education earlier, at 3, so that we can catch learning disabilities early because we all know early intervention is key. she's also planning on increasing funding for college students. google it.

  5. the no child left behind thing (if you and i are talking about the same thing) was a stupid idea. in reality all it means is that even if you dont do any work and dont really pass your classes, they wont help you more, they will just push you through to the next grade. eventually you wont be able to pass your states exam for high school and will be screwed. im glad it will be ended.

    (i really hope im thinking of the same "no child left behind" program...)

  6. If you visit your local democratic office there SHOULD be some one there who can help you with statistics and an explanation of Hillary's point of view as to why the no child left behind program is in so many ways a giant failure.  They may also be able to direct you to other information  that will help you in your research.. Good luck

  7. Because she wants to leave the childern behind.  How else would they be stupid enough to vote for a Democrat.

  8. NCLB "dumbs down" curriculum so every child is at the same level.  Our best and brightest are be strangled and held back by this ridiculous government imposed plan.

  9. because it is a waste of money.... it gives incentives to teachers to prop up students who would not normally pass so teachers get bonuses for high pass ratings on class room.... does nothing to help the student in a corrupt teachers class...

  10. well, one reason the no child left behind act is bad is because it is causing for race segregation to happen again, because white kids attending inner city schools are asking to be switched to schools with more white kids. but it isn't just about race. students attending schools that have been deemed less than desirable will never get any better because, if all the good students are leaving to better schools (all races, not just white), then these schools will never get the chance to become better, and slowly but surely the other schools will also be dragged down because they no longer have control of who is attending their school. i'm not exactly sure where you would find info on this, but i think you should ask your local librarian if they can help you search government archives that contain the specific description of the no child left behind act, and also you should research news paper articles that have come out about this subject. the no child left behind act was mostly republican backed, so you may want to see if it is mostly democrat opposed. idk, that's about all i know on this particular subject.

  11. she just wants the publicity.

  12. first off its not working, and hillary clinton is a joke.. everyone knows that since she said she was in combat when a film guy had the exact time she said she was in combat showing her shaking hands

  13. well it doesnt work... the proof is in the young voter support for obama lol

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