
Why does Hillary look crazy in every photo of her?

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Why does Hillary look crazy in every photo of her?




  1. You're predisposed to think she looks crazy because of the things she says.

  2. Well its hard to say, its either because she has a 10 inch stick up her old wrinkled a**, or its just the fact that she's the Devil.

  3. Must you ask?  She is what she is.

  4. Because she's crazy!

  5. EVERY?  You probably saw one photo like that.

    Oh oh I can seen the thumbs down now, from the anti-Hillary camp, but no never mind.....

    One thing you can be sure of- Hilary is never wishy-washy.

    She's a passionate soul. The problem is the male s*x is inclined to relate passion strictly to romance and that's where they sell women short! That's where they become so confused about "strong women"! Strong women scare!

    The definition of the word passion is far more encompassing.

    It's true. I think Hillary is brimming over inside with passion, though it's kept under rigid control by a poised, frosty attitude toward strangers, and a surface smoothness suggestive of black velvet. It's involved with her feelings about everything she touches. She's never just slightly interested. It's impossible for her to be detached or casual. She seldom likes or dislikes.

    She may have been a fascinated spectator to a million human foibles, and she may have tasted a variety of ex­periences to savor the knowledge. But she can mysteriously emerge from all her explorations above suspicion, and still reign the victor!

    She's not untruthful, in fact she's more often too brutally honest . People don't care much for brutal honesty, you know!

    You mean you didn't know this already? While her passion for living, might make some folks feel like they are drowning, in a real storm, her cool, calm reason and steely strength will be a life raft.

    Michelle Obama on the other hand - no passion there, just cold AMBITION.   You think Hillary is cold and calculating?


  6. 1) Because she's had massive plastic surgeries, and she wears a ton of make-up.

    2) Because she has evil intentions for this country; Just like Bill, Just like George....

  7. Tells me guys. WTF !! did she do to you personally?

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