
Why does Hollywood stereotype black guys as......?

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violent, dangerous, addicted and obsessed with prostitutes, gang related crime, gambling and killing other people?

It's just annoying! Not all black guys are like that. Just like not all women are submissive and weak.




  1. the entertainment industry which includes the NEWS of all things.... is just plain money hungry...

    half the nation still has deep rooted sexist and racial prejudices.  And if NBC, SONY, and PARAMOUNT can make money of off it they will... regardless of the effect it has on our culture.

  2. unfortunately negativity sells movies. people want to see the 'cool' person, whether they are black, white or purple, if they can be portrayed as something society will run to see, Hollywood will print it.

  3. because the public backlash of having a black man as the victim of a white man's violent crime is more severe than portraying having the black man as the offender

  4. i know what you are saying, and i don't think it will stop because we accept it and some black guys are even living it, util we step up and black actors start refusing does parts it will not stop. I find it very offensive. I know they need to works so they can eat but come on we never stop having to sit at the back of the bus until we refused to ride the bus, it's a similar situation.

  5. I'm sorry, but you truly are Miss Naive!

    Y do they show white boys as crackheads and stoners on skateboards?

    Y do they portray white adults as preppy rich people when the midwest is more poor than south central?

    I'm a movie buff, and I think hollywood does it to anyone and everyone accordingly. It's the message u wanna put out in a movie.

    In bruce almighty, they could've made the gang black, they made it latino... Is that also discrimination?

    It pisses me off cuz not all white boys are stoners.... so go figure?

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