
Why does Hussein the Obamessiah think that he is "The One" the WORLD has been Waiting For?

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“(T)his is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for.”


“I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”

Well, YEAH, if what the world has been waiting for, and what represents America returning to its “best Traditions” is an arrogant, narcissistic, sexist, thuggish, unethical, pandering, coercing, power-hungry Messiah-wannabe, then, yes - Obama is our guy!!

The Obama, so generous with his time, spent a good portion of the day at a fundraiser at the Mayflower Hotel, where any common man or woman could have a picture taken with him for a mere $10,000. $10,000! Such a bargain for a brief touch of the aura of the lightbringer! Can you imagine the spiritual benefit of being in the incredible presence of this ... I am sorry, I was going to write “man,” but I mean: SYMBOL?

Parting with mere money for this opportunity is a no-brainer, my friends. How much would you have paid for a Polaroid with St. Peter? Well, now you can meet the Symbol who gave him the keys in the first place.




  1. The racist blacks and the barnpot lefties make him feel, invincible despite his lack of skills for the job.

    They dont care that hes a naive,muslim,cowardly,racist ,commie that will get eaten alive by the likes of Putin,Kim Jong IL and Amhedinejad.

    So long as hes black,thats good enough reason to vote for him!

  2. You are ridiculous.  Running someone else down doesn't make you look good, you know.  It simply makes the person you support (McCain) look bad.

  3. To answer such Questions, needs a cool brain, thinking, with long experience in the world politics?  The way  in this forum being explained doe not hold stand for a long?.  The US needs a change to-day and now, as the past developments shows that, the Symbolic  elcted President has a very little to say, than the the Consultants of War mongers/ the CIA, and secret service Agents reports?  thereby,  too mcuh nonsense Politic has been spread along the world and the Bill for such Extra-vegenza, is always paid from the Tax payers?  At the same time the majority of the Black Society of US who toiled for the Soil, as Cheep labours, and at the cost of their HEALTH, were not reasonably COMPENSATED?  for the sucess of US in the world Politics?.  In additions the Previlage of Presidentship was always in the hands of WHITE people, organised with the help of  CIA and Secret Service Agents? For somany years Black society lived like Slaves within the US, and as cheap labour for the Military Dirty Jobs?  Now the Globalisation Äera has started and the black society can no more tollerate this kind of treatment within US?.  As far as Fund raising from Obhama, is nothing new, where as the  All other Candidates did the same, than,  why show a raising finger, on Obhama?  It is another Question in case if he be, the President of US, Can he change,  the Situation within US?   if you ask me blank say "NO", because he too,will  be living in the Golden Cage, and depend uppon the News & Reports suppliers, with the assistance of Secret service Agents and Cia? and it wont be a new sensation, insted the tradition of US?.  and distance living from his own voters, and the black community at large? so no wonders can be awaited.  

  4. You answered your own question. Darn!  The Messiah visted American soldiers in the hospital because he was glad that the army let his staff and media enter. Some people think he was working at the gym.  

    I'm glad he went Iraq and other places, to bring good will.  Some people say it was a campaign to raise money.

    Obama has great concern for middle Americans, and is surrounded by wonderful friends.  Yeah, you're right . . . at last, the king has come to claim his THORN.  Just in case you are puzzled, this is satire at its best!

  5. Thuggish...? Come on now! Why are you so upset he charged for the photos? It was a fund raiser, you know raise funds! Sheesh,  just don't vote for him.

    "Cant we all just get along?" R. King

    And Private, you are a sad little person, your hate is just fear man, let it go!  

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