“(T)his is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for.â€Â
“I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.â€Â
Well, YEAH, if what the world has been waiting for, and what represents America returning to its “best Traditions†is an arrogant, narcissistic, sexist, thuggish, unethical, pandering, coercing, power-hungry Messiah-wannabe, then, yes - Obama is our guy!!
The Obama, so generous with his time, spent a good portion of the day at a fundraiser at the Mayflower Hotel, where any common man or woman could have a picture taken with him for a mere $10,000. $10,000! Such a bargain for a brief touch of the aura of the lightbringer! Can you imagine the spiritual benefit of being in the incredible presence of this ... I am sorry, I was going to write “man,†but I mean: SYMBOL?
Parting with mere money for this opportunity is a no-brainer, my friends. How much would you have paid for a Polaroid with St. Peter? Well, now you can meet the Symbol who gave him the keys in the first place.