
Why does Ice cream make you cough?

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Every time i get done eating Ice cream i always feel like i have to cough why is this?




  1. too cold for the throat.


  2. Well it is one of those things that is considered "a myth" by Scientists, but still cannot be explained because I swear it happens to me every timee I eat dairy products and I know it does for a lot of people. They can't really explain it. Though I just got thru eating some fruit salad that had sugar in it and it does seem to me whenever I eat things with sugar it tends to do that too so maybe it is not the milk, but rather the sugar breaking down in the throat. Who knows, but I hope you find some answer that sounds reasonable out there for you.  

  3. Because the ice cream reacts with your saliva and creates a thicker more mucousy secretion which can irritate the back of the throat, so then we try to clear our throat and cough.

  4. Because its really cold

    or and sometimes milk does make you cough

  5. It doesn't make me cough so I don't know.

  6. It could be the may be allergic to it.

  7. im not sure either, my family doesnt either...but sorry!!!!

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