
Why does Iran have a medal after it had been announced they can't participate in the Olympics?

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No I don't mean Iraq, which is a friendly country (I have no idea what the war is for and what they're doing there). I am talkig about Iran, who is an enemy state building nuclear stuff. It was specifically announced before the games that they would be barred and not be able to participate.




  1. Iran cannot have nuclear energy, but israel can buy nuclear bombs and make them?

    Iran hasn't been an enemy state to anyone, if anything its the other way around.

  2. Sorry to disappoint but Iran has never been banned from the Olympics. Iraq was in danger of being banned for excessive governmental interference.

    And building "nuclear stuff" is not a criteria to ban nations. By that logic, U.S, Russia, U.K, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and even Israel would never be allowed. Don't believe everything the government tells you especially after the WMD fiasco.

  3. You must mean Iraq?  The decision was overturned just a few weeks before the games started.  While they manage to put a few athletes in, some missed the deadline due to that political mumbo jumbo.

  4. Hey I never talk to girls like this but you're a bi****. Iran's politics doesn't have anything to do with the world of sports. You got that?  Do you have any idea of what you're even talking about? Iran had never been banned from olympics and they will never be banned. If our government changes you should expcet to see us be 4th or 5th.  

  5. Maybe you are an agent of white house , As far as I know Iran had never been banned for the olympic . if  Usa and Israeil can not tolerate presense of Iran or it's nuclear programs , no reason limit  iran for participation in this competitions , they can cancel their taking apart .

  6. Who cares as long as they are good athletes!

  7. Iran participates in the Olympics, but they won't participate in any event that Israel is also in.

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